More instruments of economic warfare: S&P revises Russia outlook to negative over Ukraine

Isn’t it ironic that the nation with the largest debt burden in the history of the world gets a bright outlook by these Western credit agencies, while Russia and other nations get negative outlooks? Why is that?
It is because these organizations and international institutions are set-up to promote and maintain empire. They are used at the leisure of Imperial America and her allies.
  What you are seeing is nothing less that a concerted coordinated economic attack and assault on Russia and her economy. This is actually a declaration of war. This was done to China and other nations as soon as they opposed America in some way or another.
  At the height of tensions, Western opponents credit worthiness and Economic outlook comes under assault in an effort to undermine stability, independence, and growth. This just the way that they have set-up these things.
  America, having a debt that can never be repaid, and accumulating more debt on top of debt and deficits continue with a good outlook. Do you not see the hypocrisy of these institutions and their founding nations? These policy decisions only goes to further expose the foundation of this world and highlight the need for change.
S&P revises Russia outlook to negative over Ukraine (via AFP)

The Standard & Poor’s ratings agency on Thursday revised Russia’s outlook to negative on rising political and geopolitical risks linked to the raging Ukraine crisis and accompanying Western sanctions. “Heightened geopolitical risk and the prospect of…

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