They are in everyone’s affairs…This is why a war between civilizations must take place


” Today, we live at the end of the world of  people who have ruled the black man and his various colors between black and white for the last 6,000 years. The world of disbelievers and hypocrites know these are the days and the end of the rule of the white man.”–pg.266(m.t.t.b.m.)

….”Since 1492, the people of the white race have been allowed to spread over the face of the earth (to have the freedom of deceiving all that they could). To learn more about them, let us read and study their history. Read in the Bible the Revelation of John, under the title of  “The Beast and the Dragon.”

 Their history shows trouble-making, murder and death to all darker people from the far-off islands and mainlands of Asia as well as the South Seas and the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. All have been touched by their destructive hand and evil way of civilization and finally the bringing of my people to make their destruction sure.”–pg.267(m.t.t.b.m.)

….”But the white man has gotten into all of the civilized people of the earth and he knows them and they know him.

  This is why now a war between civilizations must take place; because the present ruler (white race) has deceived the    whole entire civilized world with their civilization of deceit! The white race was made for the purpose of making mischief. The white race was made for the purpose of deceit. And, now that Almighty God Has Come to Make Manifest that which has been hidden of the truth, this runs the white man from under his deceitful blanket which had the white man    covered.

  As the Bible teaches us “God will pull the covering off of the covered and show the nations his (white race’s)    shame” (Nah. 3:5).”–pg.40(tfoa) 

She(America) refuses to mind her business. She refuses to stay out of other nations internal or sovereign affairs.

  US commander emphasises Philippine alliance, amid China row


Vietnam leader warns against use of force in territorial rows Tokyo (AFP) March 18, 2014 – Vietnam’s president on Tuesday warned against the use of force in territorial disputes as his nation and its neighbours lock horns with an increasingly assertive China over competing claims in the South China Sea.President Truong Tan Sang made the comments in Japan’s parliament during a four-day visit.

“Vietnam has always maintained these principles over maritime disputes — resolution by peaceful means, compliance with international law, and respect for each other’s due rights and sovereignty,” the Vietnamese leader said.

“Countries concerned should not make the situation complex, but rather exercise self-restraint. They should neither use force nor threaten to use force.”

Sang did not make a direct reference to any particular country.

But Vietnam and three other members of the Association of the Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) — the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei — have opposed Beijing’s attempt to claim almost all of the South China Sea.

Sang said he hoped to strengthen ties with Japan, which is also embroiled in a separate and bitter territorial dispute with China.

Tokyo has called for stronger security ties with ASEAN members to try to ease the growing territorial tensions.

“We deeply believe that relations between the two countries will be strengthened and expanded every day … which will make a significant contribution to securing peace, stability and cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region,” Sang said.

At a joint press briefing Tuesday evening, Sang and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said they discussed regional peace, loans and grant aid to Vietnam as well as the possibility of Japan sending patrol boats to the country.

“The two countries’ cooperation in maintaining order in the sea and air is extremely important for regional peace and stability,” Abe told reporters.

Japan and China are locked in a bitter row over islands in the East China Sea administered by Japan as the Senkakus, but claimed by China as the Diaoyu Islands.

Chinese government ships and planes have been seen off the disputed islands numerous times since Japan nationalised some of the archipelago in September 2012, sometimes within Japan’s territorial zone.

The dispute with Tokyo — which has sparked air and sea confrontations — has exacerbated animosity over Japan’s military incursions across East Asia in the first half of the 20th century.



The US Pacific commander Tuesday emphasised the Philippines’ importance as a military ally, as Filipino forces were involved in an increasingly tense standoff with Chinese ships in the South China Sea.

“Our 62-year alliance with the Philippines remains key to our efforts to ensure the stability and prosperity of the Western Pacific,” Rear Admiral Robert Thomas told reporters in Manila.

He sailed to the Philippine capital on Tuesday aboard his command ship, the USS Blue Ridge, days after the latest of a series of hostile encounters between the Philippines and China in the South China Sea.

China said its coastguard on March 9 blocked two Philippine-flagged vessels approaching Second Thomas Shoal, which is guarded by a small group of Filipino marines but is also claimed by China.

The Philippine military evaded the blockade by airdropping supplies to the troops.

The shoal is part of the Spratlys, a chain of islets and reefs that sit near key shipping lanes, are surrounded by rich fishing grounds and are also believed to lie atop huge oil and gas reserves.

They are around 200 kilometres (125 miles) from the western Philippine island of Palawan and about 1,100 kilometres from the nearest major Chinese land mass.

China claims most of the South China Sea, even waters approaching the coasts of its neighbours.

The Philippines grounded an old navy ship at Second Thomas Shoal in 1999, four years after China built structures on a nearby Filipino-claimed reef. Filipino troops have kept a presence on the ship ever since.

On Monday, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei warned that China “will never allow any form of occupation” of the Second Thomas Shoal.

He repeated an allegation, denied by Manila, that the Philippine vessels were bringing construction materials there on March 9.

“China watches closely and is highly vigilant on further possible provocations in the South China Sea by the Philippines and it must bear all the consequences arising therefrom,” Hong said.

Asked what the US 7th Fleet would do to help the Filipino marines, Thomas said he did not wish to address “hypothetical” scenarios, but then highlighted his country’s 1951 mutual defence pact with Manila.

“And so without going into the hypotheticals, what I would offer is that the 7th Fleet is going to support this alliance. Period,” he said.

The pact binds each country to come to the other’s aid if its armed forces or ships are attacked in the Pacific.


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