She charges them with making war against her when she is the one who is guilty of the war-making.–Biden says United States will defend NATO allies from Russian aggression

This is absolutely insane. This is the dog crying foul. No where they Russia even imply that it was going to attack any NATO member at anytime during this international flare up. So where is Vice President Joseph Biden coming from and talking about?
  It is not Russia that deployed warplanes and troops, AWACS, radars, and warships to America’s borders or even to NATO member borders first. It was America in her tantrum over not getting her way in Ukraine that has done and is still doing this.
  No matter though, she always puts it in such away as though her opponents are the aggressors and they are the ones out of line and not her. Her media always spins it in the way that America is exceptional and is always fighting to defend freedom.
  If she continues down this path, she will soon see that she is no more the mighty power that all of the nations once feared. I believe that this is America lashing out, but I do not believe that it will stall what Russia is planning. They will soon, go to war.
  This is just typical of imperial America. Muhammad described these actions and words of her like this…”America loves meddling into other people’s affairs. She just cannot stay out of other people’s business, whether they be a two-cents worth soap-box teacher or presidents and kings of countries.  America’s actions fit the description of the prophecy (Bible) “The beast has eyes around about.” This refers to the mechanical listening devices with which America listens in on other people’s private affairs, as well as her listening in on foreign governmental affairs. This also refers to her powerful telescope.

  America goes abroad and makes war against other people. Then she charges them with making war against her when she is the one who is guilty of the war-making.

  The Bible says Allah (God) will destroy those who delight themselves in making war.”–pg.115(tfoa)

Biden says United States will defend NATO allies from Russian aggression (via PBS News Hour)

VILNIUS, Lithuania — Issuing an outright warning to Moscow, Vice President Joe Biden declared Wednesday the United States will respond to any aggression against its NATO allies, as Russia’s neighbors looked warily to the escalating crisis in nearby…

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