Mass sightings of “Cigar-Shaped UFO”


How can one man be so right about everything they say and every description that they give? How can he be so timely ,yet gets blacked out of the media? Is this a willful act by those who are in the know?

  Look at his description of the Mother plane and those little planes onboard and then compare them to what is being reported in the media…..”The Mother Plane, according to what has been described of it by the devil scientists, is capable of not only staying up for long periods of time; but it is also capable of eluding the scientists. They want to attack and destroy it; but if a plane did get close enough to attempt to carry out this purpose, it would be destroyed instead. The white man has learned that this is not a place to be played with. Planes come out of the Mother Plane.

   In the 1930’s Canadian newspapers reported that they saw the wheel (Mother Plane). It came down out of the sky. They admitted that it looked like a great city, and that something came down from it; it appeared to be a tube, but the tube-like thing went back up again.

 Allah (God) Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praises are due forever, taught me that after six months to a year, the Mother Plane comes into the gravity of the earth. It takes on oxygen and hydrogen in order to permit it to stay out of the earth’s gravity until it needs refueling again.



   Ezekiel saw the Mother Plane in a vision. According to the Bible, he looked up and saw this Plane (Ez. 1:16) and he called it a wheel because it was made like a wheel. A Plane that is wheel-shaped can turn in any direction, at any time. He admitted that the Plane was so high that it looked dreadful, and he cried out, “O wheel” (Ez. 10:13).”–pgs.237 & 238(tfoa)

 Huge, Cigar-Shaped UFO Glides Over Ukraine City [VIDEO]

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07TV / YouTube


  • A video recently surfaced on the Internet reportedly showing a large, elongated UFO gliding over Korosten, Ukraine, reports OpenMinds.TV.

The object was supposedly videotaped on March 6 over Korosten, which is located near Chernobyl, the site of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster, where an explosion resulted in radioactive fallout that spread over tens of thousands of square miles.

Watch the Ukraine UFO here:

The Ukraine UFO was uploaded by a YouTube channel called 07TV, which offers many questionable videos, including one claiming to show a grounded flying saucer with aliens moving around it.

Throughout the history of UFO sightings, cigar-shaped craft have been reported with accompanying speculation that these large objects are “motherships” that come from very far away and contain the smaller, oft-reported flying saucers or triangular craft that people claim to see. The “cigar” craft have been compared to ocean-going military aircraft carriers.

“It’s often too easy to label videos we can’t explain as a product of computer generated imagery. In this case, however, the best thing the video has going for it is that the unknown object looks like it could belong in the video,” said former FBI Special Agent Ben Hansen.

“There’s no overt animation mistakes with tracking its movements in frame, and the color and sharpness look appropriately degraded for the given distance from the camera. Having said that, the worse thing working against the authenticity of the video is that it has virtually no pedigree,” Hansen told The Huffington Post.

Hansen, the lead investigator of the Syfy Channel series, “Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files,” cautions against believing everything you see on YouTube as the genuine article.

“These ‘viral campaigners’ are growing like weeds in cyberspace. Some may actually be genuinely interested in UFOs, but they implement parts of contemporary UFO theory into their hoax to increase its effectiveness.”

Hansen suggests more UFO reports may appear on the rise in the proximity of war zones and natural disasters.

“The idea is maybe the ‘visitors’ are observing historic events or seek to intervene. For commercial campaigners, a hot topic — like the conflict in Ukraine — offers a context to build a hoax around and an opportunity that can’t be missed.”

Without an actual witness or facts surrounding the filming of this UFO, Hansen said, any court of law would summarily dismiss it as impermissible evidence.


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