(Video Incl.)Tensions in Asia mount as North Korea demostrates its military resolve to defend itself against any Imperial aggression!


I want you to see just how America has corrupted the nations and blurred the lines of self-defense and open provocation. As we have learned, and we see it constantly in all global affairs concerning the anglo Americans….”The great deceivers of the world will reap what they have sown. Have they not corrupted many people and nations under the guise of good, peaceful, loving Christians?

The Christian West is full of the worst crimes, practicing evils and indecencies to the fullest and seeking to practice them on other nations as well.”–pg.168(tfoa)

This is true. Here you have an occupying power, who has occupied South Korea, Guam, The Philippines, Hawaii, Japan, and other Asian nations for over half a century. She continues to provoke the neighboring nations who refuse to bow to her dictates by imposing crippling sanctions, espionage, color revolutions, a build up of arms on their borders and near their shores.

She is constantly provoking nations in the Asian theater with war games and war simulations openly acknowledging these other nations as the object to conquer in these simulations and war games. Then when these nations refuse to accept her belligerence against them by showing their own national resolve for sovereignty and independence, she uses her puppets and white institutions to condemn them for doing less than once percent of what she does.

Just look at her phony outrage. After constant war gaming, and simulations of invading North Korea, and openly calling for nuking these nations, she is yet outraged over North Korea’s determined stand to defend itself in the face of open hostility by an occupying power!

 North Korea test-fires missiles amid tensions

North Korea has test-fired at least 18 short-range missiles into the Sea of Japan, provoking the neighboring south and the United States.

South Korean defense officials say the missiles were fired off the North’s east coast into the Sea of Japan late Sunday.

The officials added that the missiles flew for 70 km (45 miles) before splashing into the sea.

The launches are the latest in a series of tests that have provoked criticism from Washington and its regional allies.

North Korean military has frequently called the tests for the purpose of self-defense.

Pyongyang announced on Friday that it would strengthen its nuclear deterrence for self-defense in the face of US threats.

In the announcement, North Korea said that it will take additional measures to demonstrate its might as long as threats from the US persist.

The developments come after the Seoul and Washington staged joint military drills on the troubled Korean peninsula.

Last year’s drill fuelled tensions, with Pyongyang threatening a pre-emptive nuclear strike and US stealth bombers flying over the peninsula.

Tensions have been escalating between the two Koreas over the past few months.

Rail lines and other contacts between the two sides were first severed during the 1950-53 Korean War. No peace deal has been signed since then, meaning that Pyongyang and Seoul remain technically at war.

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