Unintended Consequences of Western Arrogance(Belarus Seeks to Host More Russian Jets Amid Ukraine Crisis)


Su-27We must remember the laws of science. For every action there is an equal or greater reaction. Do not forget about unintended blowback. With all of the Hawkishness of Western leaders and their threatening a major build up close to Russia, Belarus(Belarussia as it was once called) has asked its ally Russia to deploy more warplanes to its territory which borders NATO member states and lies close to the heart of Europe.

This is what you call unintended blowback to imperial policies. What they are doing is prepositioning themselves for the eventual war that will engulf the entire European continent! American and NATO leaders are now perplexed on how to get that war genie back in its bottle.

With the deployment of these strike force fighters to Belarussian territory, it gives Russia a major strategic offensive strike capability and a major advantage on pinpoint defense against incoming missiles or fighter planes.

It puts all of Europe in the eye of destruction if Russia launched a first strike or invasion or airstrikes or inskander missiles. Any of these choices by Russia would almost certainly ravage Europe as a whole and destroy any technological or military advantage that NATO may hold over Russia, by given Russia more options to destroy most of Western Europe’s bases and airfields before any major counter offensive could be launched!

   Belarus Seeks to Host More Russian Jets Amid Ukraine Crisis

Belarus will ask Russia to deploy up to 15 additional combat aircraft on its territory in response to increased NATO military activity along the country’s borders, President Alexander Lukashenko said Wednesday.

NATO has begun military exercises in Poland near the borders with Belarus and Ukraine amid the current political standoff between Russia and the West over the fate of Ukraine’s Crimea region.

The US Air Force has dispatched at least 12 F-16 falcon fighter jets from its airbase in Italy to take part in the exercises, while two NATO AWACS planes have started reconnaissance flights over Poland and Romania in order to help monitor the crisis in Ukraine.

“There is in fact an escalation of the situation near our borders… We will respond to it appropriately,” Lukashenko told a meeting of the Belarusian Security Council.



He proposed asking Moscow for additional combat aircraft to reinforce the four Russian Su-27 Flanker fighter jets based at the Baranovichi airbase.

“It could be some 12-15 planes for now… They could be put on patrols,” Lukashenko said.

Russia and Belarus signed an agreement on the joint protection of the Union State’s airspace and the creation of an integrated regional air defense network in February 2009.

The network reportedly comprises five air force units, 10 air defense units, five technical service and support units and one electronic warfare unit.

It is part of the integrated air defense network of the Commonwealth of Independent States, a loose alliance comprising nine former Soviet nations.

The Russian Defense Ministry recently announced plans to deploy a fighter jet regiment in Belarus by 2015. The majority of the planes will be stationed at a future Russian airbase in Lida, a town in northwestern Belarus, near the Polish and Lithuanian borders.

Source: RIA Novosti

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