Another American war provocation…US war games in Black Sea ‘speak in clear voice’ to Russia: White House


America is talking big talk. She publicly stated that war games on Russia’s border with former Soviet states who are now members of NATO, is meant as a warning to Russia. She stated this openly.

What will be Russia’s response to this provocative statement designed for public consumption while trying to punk Russia in support of her former Soviet allies? This is almost an open declaration of war daring Russia to respond.

These latest moves show us without any shadow of doubt that…” Russia and America are after each other under their skin. Russia is pretty smart. America is as smart. We like them both smart like that.”–pg.54(o.s.h.a.)

I wonder if NATO has become so arrogant, and remember that they haven’t won a war yet(they can start them ,but can’t finish them), that they have forgotten that if there is a conflict between America and Russia(and there will soon be one), it won’t just be America & NATO forces against Russia as they think.

Remember the CSTO(a coalition of former Soviet states bound to come to the defense of each other)–look here: six post-Soviet states belonging to the Commonwealth of Independent States—Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan—signed the Collective Security Treaty. Three other post- Soviet states—Azerbaijan, Belarus, and Georgia—signed the next year and the treaty took effect in 1994.)

These nations are bound by defense pact. And less us not forget about the Russia/China dominated organization called The Shanghi Co-operation Organization.(See here:  is a Eurasian political, economic and military organisation which was founded in 2001 in Shanghai by the leaders of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.)

They too are bound to come to the defense of member states. And one thing that has been missing about this. This is the largest political and military block in the world, which has Pakistan, Afghanistan, & India as observer members. In words…if put into proper perspective, it is…not NATO… the most powerful military, economic, and political block of nations on earth.

   US war games in Black Sea ‘speak in clear voice’ to Russia: White House

F-16 Fighting Falcon

White House press secretary Jay Carney says US military exercises with Romanian and Bulgarian warships in the Black Sea “speak in a clear voice” to Russia.

“We obviously have provided stepped-up assistance to those countries in this case,” Carney said on Tuesday.

“And this is part of our effort to work with our international partners and allies and to speak in a clear voice together that the actions taken by Russia to intervene militarily in contravention of international law and in violation of Ukraine’s territorial integrity is something that we all oppose,” he added.

The US, Romania and Bulgaria began joint military training exercises near Russia’s borders on Tuesday.

The USS Truxtun, a US Navy guided-missile destroyer, will also take part in maneuvers in the Black Sea.

The Obama administration has sent 12 F-16 fighter jets and 300 American troops in Poland this week. Six F-15C Eagles and more than 60 American had also arrived at Siauliai air base, Lithuania.

American fighter jets are set to take part in joint exercises in Poland.

The White House stressed that both war games were planned before the crisis in Ukraine.

“The goal is to see the situation de-escalate and for the Russian military personnel that are in Crimea to return to their bases, and to return to levels that are consistent with the basing agreement Russia has with Ukraine, and for all violations of Ukraine’s sovereignty by a foreign nation and violations of Ukraine’s territorial integrity to cease,” Carney said.

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