(Video Incl.)America goes abroad and makes war against other people. Then she charges them with making war


A description of the actions of the people of this world, especially those of the American nation, is as followed…”The Bible teaches you that “he deceived the whole world.” This description of them, especially America, stands true today.

They are in everyone’s business. They are(combined) the producers and sellers of 96% of all of the weapons on earth. They are the cause of the division and the tensions between brother nations. They are in every nation in someway, be it as advisors, corporations, occupation forces, or what have you.

Their presence is the cause of war and dissatisfaction. There actions where described to us by The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, in these words…”They even fight against each other, rob and kill each other,    but yet represent themselves as world peacemakers — with whom?”–pg.168(tfoa)

….”They love meddling in other people’s affairs. They are in every fight or war — it matters not with whom or where — but yet crying “Peace! Peace!” with every deadly weapon of war to provoke other nations to war.”–pg.169(tfoa)

She is living up to them to the very letter and spirit. In fact, here is an even greater description of her actions that can be compared to what we have below….”America goes abroad and makes war against other people. Then she charges them with making war against her when she is the one who is guilty of the war-making.”–pg.115(tfoa)

  ‘West real aggressor in Ukraine crisis’


Press TV has conducted an interview with Jim W. Dean, managing editor and columnist at Veterans Today from Atlanta, to discuss the row between the West and Russia over Ukraine.

What follows is an approximate transcription of the interview.

Press TV: Jim Dean, I would like to get your reaction about the EU taking a couple of steps; they have announced to join these US sanctions against Russia, suspending visa and economic talks and also threating targeted sanctions as well as a broad range of economic measures and they have also announced their willingness to sign an association accord with Ukraine before early elections at the end of May.

What is your reaction to that?

Dean: Well, this is pretty much what we expected because we are in what we would call a post-coup situation. The West has been, basically, attacking the Soviet former states on their border, trying to put puppet governments in and of course they have been burying in debt and forcing them to come to West in order to be able to get bailed out now.

So the sanctions is a very small issue. Russia buys a lot more from the EU than the EU does; so I do not think that we are going to see any major sanctions. A lot of that is just talks for the public and also this is all trying to move the story past the situation that we have an illegitimate coup here that was funded and backed by foreign countries and the Russians and Putin have tremendous grounds… I think that the government has any legal right to claim any legal position on anything because they are not a legal government, and at Veterans Today all our intelligence sources, basically, say there are a lot of people that deserve to be arrested for murder, terrorism and the crimes that were committed in trying to put puppet government in place.

Press TV: Give us some examples of those crimes.

Dean: Well, we know that the Right Sector, just the other day, the acting prime minister has converted them from street thugs to official military units and this was strongly opposed by the generals in their defense ministry who were summarily fired.

So that showed us that the Right Sector, the deal they had with the opposition is we will roll you into official military units, once we take charge you will be on the payroll and then you will have immunity for some of the nasty things that we are going to be having you to do to the opposition; and all of our sources tell us that we are fairly certain that the killings that were done, that we know from Ashton tape, that were done by one group shooting both parties; that was a classic large country intelligence psyops’ provocation.

So that was a terrorist attack, a political terrorist attack and you see no calls from the West to, really, investigate or to want to know who was really behind it, because the West is who, really, was behind it.

Press TV: Well, Jim Dean let us look at some of the most recent developments, and I am talking within the past hour that this came through. The phone call that Kerry had with Lavrov in which Lavrov warned the United States against hasty and reckless steps that could harm the Russian-American relations and just 24 hours earlier I picked this out from the US state department, this being what the Russian foreign minister said about the US state department: Their (the US’ state department’s) factological calculations on Ukraine situation are cynical, low-grade propaganda.

I am guessing that it is not going to return to the status quo, this relationship between Russia and the US?

Dean: Well, I think that that is very possible and I think that may be the goal of the West . We see a classic trying to divert public attention now from the very precarious financial situation that the European countries are in; they need public attention focused on something else and frankly we look at that, this is just a cheap propaganda trying to raise the specter of the big bad Russian bear, who is a threat, but the Russians want to keep doing business, the Ukraine is a very big trade partner, the EU is a very big trade partner and they are sick and tired of all the threats and sanctions, but better than that a lot of their defense industry is in eastern Ukraine and if anybody thinks that the soviets are going to allow a, basically, shadow government, a Western, terrorist, puppet government installed in Ukraine, think that they are going to rule over the whole country and have control over all of those industries and all of those Russian-speaking people, they are smoking dope. That is never going to happen.

So Putin is going to sit back and as the West escalates he is going to respond but he is not escalating on his own because he is creating a clear path here that the West has been the aggressor in this whole situation and we agree with the independent intelligence community and we agree 100 percent that is who the aggressor has been.

Press TV: Jim Dean let us go to the Crimea situation. Practically nine days from now, before this referendum is going to be held.

The Russian Federation has, in its parliament, reacted to it; the Russian MPs have introduced the bill now to simplify the process of accession.

If that was to happen, which it seems like it is going to, what kind of reaction would we see from Ukraine and its Western partners?

Dean: Well, they will do what they have been doing; trying to miscast it for what it really is and they know that these people do not want to have anything to do with a puppet government in the west of Ukraine. If they want to go with the West, they will kiss them goodbye and say off we go, but as far as they are leaving Ukraine their positions, which is what we agree with, is that Ukraine has already left them, you have a Western-installed government that basically, has decided to go that way to get injection of new cash and you have a bunch of criminals and gangsters and, I mean it is like a rogues gallery that was just instantly accepted by the American government. So it is pretty easy for them to see that they are the ones that are under attack and they do not want to be any part of it.

And the funny thing which I have been writing about, about this so-called invasion of Crimea, it is going to go down in the Guinness book of world records as the only invasion where no one was killed, no one was wounded, no one was put under arrest and there were no hostages taken and there was no property damage.

So this is like a hysterical claim that there has been an invasion taken place, when really it was just a defensive move to make sure that none of the pro-Ukrainian forces could get control of major government facilities.

Press TV: Jim Dean, Richard Weitz compared it to the Georgia war and we saw the US’, obviously support for Kosovo. Is that a repeat in a way of what we are witnessing right now?

Dean: …you had this very similar situation. The West was using Georgia as a proxy nation in terms of staging and again they attacked, they were the ones that, basically, attack the Russian enclave and yet it was still so strange because we had no military power that we could go in there to, really, confront.

It was the Israelis took off about a day before the whole thing happened because their intelligence told them that the Russians were going to… once the attack was launched they were just going… right over the Georgian army, which they did, and the US had nothing they could do about it.

So you are not going to see any shooting going on here, in this Ukraine thing, you have got a huge mess with factualism and the West has done what they always wanted to do, to break up Ukraine by destabilizing it, and they have destabilization plans going on for a whole number of countries.

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