(Video Incl.)FL man flying KKK flag assures community: ‘We don’t beat up on f*ggots or blacks’

Tensions between black and white are bad and will only worsen. By nature we are to go to our own. As the white here in America continue suffering the loss of his power, might, prestige, wealth, and position, tensions will deteriorate further. They will point the finger at you.
 This is why it is incumbent on us to unite with self and go to our own away from a made people who was made to take away the life, security, and power of others…” We want separation. We want a home on this earth we can call our own. We want to go for self and leave the enemy who has been sentenced to death by    Allah (Rev. 20:10-14) from the day he was created. (See this subject in the Bible and Qur’an). No one — white, Black, brown, yellow or red — can provide to me by any scriptures of Allah (God), sent by one of the prophets of Allah (God), that we should not be separated from the white race: that we should believe and follow the religion dictated, shaped and formed by the white race’s theologians.   The coming of Allah and the judgment of the wicked world is made clear by the prophetic sayings of the prophets. The so-called “reverends” and the proud intellectual class are doomed to destruction with the enemy if they remain with him instead of joining onto Allah Who loves them and Who will deliver them and the Nation of Islam.”–pg.178(tfoa)

Know this for sure…”America is falling. Her doom has come and none, said the prophets, shall help her in the day of her downfall. In the Bible, God pleads with you to fly out of her (America) and seek refuge in Him (Rev. 18:4). It certainly will change your minds about following a doomed people— a people who hate you and your kind, and who call one who teaches the truth about them a hater. They are the producers of haters of us.”–pgs.178 & 179(tfoa) 

FL man flying KKK flag assures community: ‘We don’t beat up on f*ggots or blacks’ (via Raw Story )

A man in Boca Raton, Florida is flying a Ku Klux Klan (KKK) flag to recruit passersby to join the racist institution. Local 10 reporter Roger Lohse spoke to the man, who identified himself only as “Mr. Hayes,” yesterday and asked him why he’s…

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