(video) “As the lightning cometh out of the East, so shall the coming of The Son of Man be.”The sudden “flash of lightning” enables them to see that they are off from the “right path.”


10    On that day, a Son of a Man will sit to judge men according to their works. Who is the Father of this Son, coming to judge the world? Is His Father of flesh and blood or is He a “Spirit”? Where is this Son coming from? Prophet Jesus said “He will come from the East” (Matt 24:27), from the land and people of Islam, where all the former prophets came from. Jesus compared His coming as “the lightning”. Of course lightning cannot be seen or heard at a great distance.

11    The actual light (the Truth) which “shineth even unto the West,” is our day sun. But the Son of Man’s coming is like both the lightning and our day sun. His work of the resurrection of the mentally dead so-called Negroes, and judgment between truth and falsehood, is compared with lightning on an instant. His swiftness in condemning the falsehood is like the sudden flash of lightning in a dark place. America is that dark place, where the darkness has blinded the people so that they cannot find the “right way” out. The sudden “flash of lightning” enables them to see that they are off from the “right path.” They walk a few steps toward the “right way” but soon have to stop and wait for another bright flash. What they actually need is the light of the Sun (God in Person), that they may clearly see their way. The lightning does more than flash a light. It is also destructive striking whom Allah pleases, or taking property as well as lives. The brightness of its flashes almost blinds the eyes.

12    So it is with the coming of the Son of Man, with the truth, to cast it against falsehood that it breaks the head. Just a little hint of it makes the falsehood begin looking guilty and seeking cover from the brightness of the truth. Sometimes lightning serves as a warning of an approaching storm. So does Allah warn us by sending His Messengers with the truth, before the approaching destruction of a people to whom chastisement is justly due. They come flashing the truth in the midst of the spiritually darkened people. Those who love spiritual darkness will close their eyes to the flash of truth, like lightning, pointing out to them the “right way” thus blinding themselves from the knowledge of the approaching destruction of the storm of Allah, and are destroyed. “As the lightning cometh out of the East, so shall the coming the Son of Man be.”

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