The lust for war: Gog & Magog have now been let loose(unrestrained)!


Just as we said, behind all the diplomatic nicessities the truth will shine through. Russia and America are after each other. These lusts, which go far beyond just getting the upper hand on each other,  are starting to bubble and boil over into public view. They secretly hate each other.

Each one sees the other as their biggest obstacle for them in their efforts of attaining global military hegemony. Both want the top spot. Neither is willing to yield to the other.

America, being the most powerful(but not by much), of the white nations has exceeded the limits and bounds economically, geopolitically, and militarily. She has pushed a resurgent Russia’s back up against a geopolitical wall ,and is now going for the jugular.

Russia sees America’s imperial hubris as a slap in the face and is no longer willing to accept it anymore. So now we have both Gog & Magog sallying forth against one another globally.

So we say that…”There is still the cold war in Berlin, between America and Russia and in other parts of Europe, to be reckoned with. Europe will become a dreaded spot when America leaves Asia. It is true, as the prophets have predicted, that America must come out of Asia, or be thrown out.

 Each, America and Russia, the two most powerful war-factors of the world, is seeking to maintain their rule over the nations of earth, and even to conquer outer-space.”–pg.231(tfoa)–So this leaves us headed for a head to head collision between both global powers!

Russia Responds To US Warning: Expands Military Presence Globally

Shortly after the US warned Russia over its “provocative actions” with regard Ukraine…

RiaNovosti reports defense minister Sergei Shoigu saying Russia plans “to expand permanent military presence outside its borders by placing military bases in a number of foreign countries,” including Vietnam, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, the Seychelles, and Singapore. “The talks are under way, and we are close to signing the relevant documents,” Shoigu told reporters in Moscow.

Via RiaNovosti,

 Russia is planning to expand its permanent military presence outside its borders by placing military bases in a number of foreign countries, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said Wednesday.

Shoigu said the list includes Vietnam, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, the Seychelles, Singapore and several other countries.

The talks are under way, and we are close to signing the relevant documents,” Shoigu told reporters in Moscow.

The minister added that the negotiations cover not only military bases but also visits to ports in such countries on favorable conditions as well as the opening of refueling sites for Russian strategic bombers on patrol.

Moscow currently has only one naval base outside the former Soviet Union – in Tartus, Syria, but the fate of this naval facility is uncertain because of the ongoing civil war in that country.

Post-Soviet Russia closed a large naval base in Vietnam and a radar base in Cuba in 2002 due to financial constraints.

However, Russia has started reviving its navy and strategic aviation since mid-2000s, seeing them as a tool to project the Russian image abroad and to protect its national interests around the globe.

Now, Moscow needs to place such military assets in strategically important regions of the world to make them work effectively toward the goal of expanding Russia’s global influence.

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