Geopolitical Roulette: Senior US diplomat to visit Ukraine

She just cannot mind her own business. She is addicted to raping, and pillaging, instigating, and dividing people and nations in order to assert her power and control over them so that she can mold them into what she thinks they should be.
Think about how she is in everyone’s business regardless to the size of the nation or the geographical location. She is somehow involved in the other peoples affairs overtly or covertly.
   There cannot be peace under an environment as this. Confusion reigns supreme because the confusion maker is still loose to cause trouble and create havoc.
     We know that, ” Allah (God) has them (heads of America) in derision and confusion to the limit of their wits. In another place, the Bible teaches us, that He (Allah) will turn them backward. (Is. 44:25) Evil and filth are the god and worship of America. Never has a people on the face of the earth become so bold in their evil practices never before America has there been a nation on the face of the earth where scores of murders take place daily and nightly.”–pg.126(tfoa)

Senior US diplomat to visit Ukraine (via AFP)

The second most senior US diplomat, Deputy Secretary of State William Burns, will visit Kiev Tuesday to support the new Ukrainian leadership and call for swift political and economic reform. Monday’s announcement makes Burns the highest-ranking Washington…

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