In the Near East, there stand navies which are neither American nor British…they are there to drive America out — Russian Navy to enhance potential with new stealth and noiseless submarines


When we examine this latest report of Russian Chinese naval co-ordination in The Mediterranean Sea, it goes to show us another example of this…”In the Near East, there stand navies which are neither American nor British…they are there to drive America out. The skies over there are beginning to thicken with foreign planes, carrying deadly weapons, guns and bombs. They will not be satisfied as long as Israel is in Palestine. The boil has come to a bursting point. We are in a troubled world. We are in a world that is now erupting.”–pg.172(tfoa)

  Russian Navy to enhance potential with new stealth and noiseless submarines

Russian Navy to enhance potential with new stealth and noiseless submarines. 52194.jpeg

The Russian Navy will greatly enhance the potential of its constant group, including in the Mediterranean Sea, by introducing 636.3 project submarines in the Black Sea Fleet. This was announced by Navy Commander Viktor Chirkov during the ceremony to mark the start of construction of the new diesel-electric submarine Krasnodar for the Black Sea Fleet. The ceremony was conducted at “Admiralty Shipyards” in St. Petersburg.
“The group in the Mediterranean Sea will be absolutely self-sufficient by the nature of tasks. In general, overall objectives of the constant group in the Mediterranean are clear – to avoid slightest threats to security and borders of the Russian Federation,” said the admiral. On May 1, 2013 a special department was set up to supervise the group – operational command in the far sea zone.
At this point, in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea, there are 12 warships and support vessels of the Russian Navy, including heavy nuclear missile cruiser “Peter the Great” (“Pyotr Veliki”) and heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov, said the Admiral.
“To date, the ships have successfully completed the task of ensuring multiple shipments of Syrian chemical weapons in cooperation with the Chinese Navy and navies of other countries mobilized for this operation. The work on the plan continues,” said the commander.

On board “Peter the Great,” there is a coordinating command center, which includes representatives of the navies that participate in the transportation of Syrian chemical weapons by sea.

As for the Black Sea Fleet of Russia, in the future it will have one of the most noiseless and powerful submarines in the world, Chirkov said.

“The program to build six submarines of Project 636.3 for the Black Sea Fleet is being implemented timely. The submarines of this project will be based on the Novorossiysk naval base. The tests for these submarines will be conducted at the Baltic and Northern fleets. The first 636.3 project submarine will arrive for the Black Sea Fleet in 2015,” the admiral said.
He noted that during the construction of six new submarines, there were new technical solutions introduced that helped improve stealth and low noise technology, increase the possibility of airborne weapons systems, acoustic and life support systems.
According to Chirkov, Russia plans to build non-nuclear submarines of new generation. The new subs will be even harder for potential enemy to detect. The Russian Navy is to have new submarines before 2050.




Admiral Kuznetsov Russian aircraft carrier

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