Prelude to the coming Middle Eastern war — Gulf, Russia disagree on Syrian conflict

What you see is geo-positioning. America is fighting Russia through her lackies. This is her effort to try to push Russia out of the near East and weaken her political standing.
This won’t stand. The corrupt leaders of the Middle East are also on their way out. This positioning before to outbreak of the coming Middle Eastern war.
   There is no doubt in anyone’s mind today that the condition of the nations is such that needs a ruler who is not involved in the present world of corruption to bring about peace and good will among the people of the earth.     Before America is pushed out and loses complete influence over there, there will be fighting. This means bloodshed and plenty of it. That’s why….”There is not a civilized government of people at this writing that is not in trouble and trying to find a solution to the cause. All the nations of the earth are so corrupt with other than good that they cannot come to any agreement on peace with each other, then carry it into practice. The disagreement and corruption today is seen not only in the Christian world of Europe and America but also in  the very heart of the Holy Land in Africa and Asia.  Corruption started in Europe, and it has now spread over nine-tenths of the population of the Planet Earth. It has caused the dissatisfaction of nearly 100 per cent of the civilized nations.

   Dissatisfaction has reached such a percentage that it is bound to bring about universal war, since the corruption is universal.”–pg.265(m.t.t.b.m.)

Gulf, Russia disagree on Syrian conflict (via AFP)

Gulf Arab states and Russia expressed “different” views on the three-year conflict in Syria at a strategic dialogue in Kuwait City on Wednesday, both sides said. Moscow is the most important foreign backer of President Bashar al-Assad. Gulf Arab states…

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