Blood In The Streets: West Is Repeating Syrian Model In Ukraine


Blood In The Streets: West Is Repeating Syrian Model In Ukraine

Global Research,
   There is a noted similarity in the “protest movements” in Syria and Ukraine. There is evidence of armed gunmen among protesters in Kiev targeting policemen.  1) Ukrainian prime minister: Deadly attacks attempt to seize power 2) U.S. ambassador to Ukraine: Government “responsible for everything that happens in Ukraine” 3) As with Syria, European Union and Russia clash over Ukrainian uprising 4) European Council President Rompuy threatens sanctions against Ukraine 5) European Union deliberates over sanctions against Ukrainian government, officials 6) Former Lithuanian prime minister: President Victor Yanukovych must be tried in international court 7) President of European Parliament: Ukrainian authorities “have lost all legitimacy” 8) Russian State Duma’s International Affairs Committee Chairman Alexei Pushkov: Vice President Biden, U.S. government signal support to armed extremists 9) Ukrainian president: Putschists’ call to take up arms crosses the line 10) Security Service opens criminal investigations into coup plotting 11) Russian Federation Council chairperson denounces armed violence in Ukraine, accuses opposition chiefs of receiving marching orders from the West 12) Russian Foreign Ministry demands opposition forces cease deadly bloodshed 13) Two traffic police shot dead in Ukrainian capital 14) Ukrainian Defense ministry intensifies security measures around ammunition stores

Scroll down to Read reports from Russian and Ukrainian media below:

Russian Information Agency Novosti February 19, 2014

Ukraine’s Premier Calls Protests ‘Attempt to Seize Power’

KIEV: Ukraine’s acting prime minister said Wednesday that the violent protests that have rocked the capital were an attempt to seize power by force.

“Both society and authorities strongly condemn the violence. This is not a sign of democracy. … This is the manipulation of people’s minds and an attempt to take power by force,” Serhiy Arbuzov told a Cabinet meeting.

At least 25 people, including nine police officers, were killed in bloody, day-long clashes that ran into the early hours of Wednesday morning in the Ukrainian capital. Officials said more than 70 policemen suffered gunshot wounds in the fighting.

Unrest erupted around noon Tuesday as thousands of people marched on the parliament building, where a standoff was taking place over proposed constitutional reforms that the opposition said could provide a way out of the political crisis that is paralyzing the country.

In his address to the nation Wednesday, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych said that opposition activists had crossed the line by calling for supporters to take up arms at mass protests intended to oust him from power.

Interfax-Ukraine February 19, 2014

US Ambassador: Yanukovych responsible for everything that happens in Ukraine

U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt has said that the United States holds Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych responsible for the escalation of the crisis in Ukraine, as Dzerkalo Tyzhnia weekly (ZN.UA) quotes the U.S. diplomat as saying.

The comment came after Pyatt met with Foreign Minister of Ukraine Leonid Kozhara to discuss the situation in the country.

“From this moment on, the United States holds Yanukovych responsible for everything that happens in Ukraine,” Pyatt said.

According to the diplomat, this was a first round of the negotiations, and a second will follow later.

Pyatt also reported that the United States believes that the crisis in Ukraine can still be resolved through dialogue, but is considering the introduction of sanctions against those who encourage the use of violence.

Russian Information Agency Novosti February 19, 2014

Russia, EU Clash as World Condemns Violence in Ukraine

KIEV: Countries across the world issued condemnations Wednesday of fatal violence in Ukraine as Russia and the European Union clashed over who was to blame.

The EU’s foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton announced that EU foreign ministers would hold an extraordinary meeting in Brussels on Thursday to discuss a response, with options on the table including sanctions against individuals considered responsible for the bloodshed.

At least 25 people died in a day of fighting between anti-government protesters and riot police in the center of the capital Kiev as the authorities continued their attempts to dismantle a protest camp in the city.

“It was with shock and utter dismay that we have been watching developments over the last 24 hours in Ukraine,” European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said in a statement.

“It is the political leadership of the country that has a responsibility to ensure the necessary protection of fundamental rights and freedoms.”

Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt tweeted Wednesday that responsibility for deaths lay with Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, saying: “He has blood on his hands.”

Russia joined condemnations of the violence, but accused European leaders of failing to hold Ukrainian opposition leaders responsible.

“As a result of the criminal activity of radical elements from the opposition, last night saw bloodshed in Kiev and a series of other Ukrainian cities,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

“We do not see any clear response from European politicians and structures, who refuse to admit that all the responsibility for the actions of radical elements inside Ukraine lies with the opposition.”

The Kremlin views the actions of the Ukrainian opposition as an attempt to seize power by force, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman said Wednesday after confirming that Putin spoke by telephone to Yanukovych on Tuesday evening.

The United States called on both sides to de-escalate the crisis. Geoffrey Pyatt, the US ambassador to Ukraine, warned on his Twitter feed that those fuelling violence could be targeted with sanctions.

US Vice President Joseph Biden telephoned Yanukovych overnight to express his “grave concern regarding the crisis” on the streets of Kiev, the White House said in a statement.

Interfax-Ukraine February 19, 2014

Rompuy promises to respond to events in Ukraine with sanctions

European Union leaders are alarmed by the escalation of violence in Ukraine, European Council President Herman Van Rompuy said on Wednesday.

“EU will respond quickly to deterioration including via targeted sanctions,” Rompuy tweeted.

“Those responsible to be held accountable. Authorities must ensure fundamental rights,” Rompuy said.

According to Rompuy, “genuine dialogue is only sustainable democratic way out incl. constitutional reform, inclusive government & free, fair elections.”

The EU is still ready to support reforms and modernization of Ukraine as well as enhancing democracy and economic prosperity of its citizens, Rompuy said.

Interfax-Ukraine February 19, 2014

EU countries to decide on which sanctions to impose against Ukraine – EC spokesperson

The European Commission cannot yet say exactly which sanctions will be imposed against those responsible for the violence and deaths in Ukraine, and this decision will be taken by EU member states.

European Commission spokesperson Alejandro Ulzurrun de Asanza y Munoz said this at a briefing in Brussels on Wednesday.

When asked which sanctions could be imposed against Ukraine, he said that these would be “restrictive measures.”

“The EU has basic principles that can be applied, a set of tools. A meeting of the [Political and Security] Committee is currently being held, so I cannot specify which sanctions will be imposed,” he said.

He also said that the question of which sanctions, when and against whom will be applied would be resolved by EU member states.

He also confirmed that the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement remained on the table.

UNIAN February 19, 2014

Leader of Lithuanian opposition, ex Prime Minister Kubilius believes that Yanukovych must be tried in international court

Leader of the Lithuanian opposition, former Prime Minister of Lithuania Andrius Kubilius believes that President of Ukraine Victor Yanukovych must be tried in international court.

The former head of the Lithuanian government wrote this on Twitter.

“After brutal bloodshed in EuroMaidan Yanukovych must be tried in international court”, wrote Kubilius.

UNIAN February 19, 2014

Ukrainian authorities are about to lose all legitimacy – president of European Parliament

President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz states that in a result of the force actions against demonstrators in Kyiv with numerous victims, the authorities of Ukraine has almost lost all its legitimacy and calls to urgent cease of further bloodshed.

According to an own UNIAN correspondent in Brussels, it is said in the special statement of Schulz.

“A tragedy is unfolding in Ukraine. The failure of authorities to engage in genuine dialogue has led to renewed violence and deaths of many protesters and police. It is deeply shocking and unacceptable. It requires a strong and urgent action. The Ukrainian authorities are about to lose all legitimacy”, it is said in the statement of the President of the European Parliament.

He called to immediate cease of bloodshed at all costs.

Interfax February 19, 2014

U.S. signals support to Ukrainian extremists – Pushkov

MOSCOW: The United States demonstrates support for extremist forces in Ukraine, State Duma’s International Affairs Committee Chairman Alexei Pushkov said.

“Biden has called on Yanukovych, but not the radicals, for ‘maximum restraint’! That is how extremists once again received a signal of support from the U.S.,” Pushkov wrote on Twitter on Wednesday.

It was reported that in his telephone conversation with Viktor Yanukovych U.S. Vice President Joe Biden demanded that the Ukrainian president remove riot police from the streets of the Ukrainian capital, the White House said.

The death toll from Kyiv riots has soared to 25, including nine policemen.

Interfax February 19, 2014

Yanukovych: opposition’s call to arms crosses the line

KYIV: The opposition leaders break the law by their call to arms and must face the court, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych said.

“They crossed the line when they called to arms. This is a blatant violation of law. And lawbreakers must face the court, which will decide their punishment. This is not my whim but my duty as the guarantor of the constitution to keep peace in the country, tranquility of its citizens and justice for everyone,” Yanukovych said in an address posted on his website early on Wednesday morning.

The Ukrainian president urged the opposition leaders to immediately distance themselves from radicalized forces, which had been provoking bloodshed and clashes with the police. “Or, if they do not wish to leave, admit their support to the radicals. But that would be quite another story,” the president continued.

In the opinion of Yanukovych, the opposition leaders have neglected the main principle of democracy. One may come to power only at a polling station, but not in the street or square, he said.

“I told them more than once that the election was coming. If people have trust in you, you will take the office. If not, you will not. But either way has to be legal, consistent with the Ukrainian constitution,” the president said.

National Radio Company of Ukraine February 19, 2014

Security Service launches probe into attempted coup

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has opened criminal proceedings for illegal actions of some politicians aimed to seize power, its press office said in a statement on Wednesday.

“On February 19, the Security Service of Ukraine has started a pre-trial investigation into committing illegal actions by some politicians aimed at seizing power,” the message reads.

Interfax February 19, 2014

Authorities should have prevented violence in Ukraine – Matviyenko

MOSCOW: Federation Council Chairperson Valentina Matviyenko believes that the Ukrainian authorities share the responsibility for the ongoing events in Kyiv.

“The incumbent authorities, if they are the authorities then it is their task as the authorities to prevent such things, to act in strict compliance with Ukrainian legislation, within the framework of the Ukrainian constitution, and to take legal measures in order to avoid mass disturbances, violence and human casualties,” Matviyenko said, responding to media questions.

Human deaths were the most terrible thing, which have happened on Maidan, she remarked.

“Everything that is going on in Ukraine is a source of serious concern and every Maidan action linked to the protest has nothing to do with any political demands,” Matviyenko said.

“These are organized mass disturbances in which firearms are being used and the death of civilians, police officers and a journalist shows that the situation has become critical. Certainly, we kept saying from the very start that [the sides] should sit down at the negotiating table, hold a dialogue and find peaceful solutions to the emerging confrontation,” Matviyenko said.

She emphasized that Russia would not meddle in the affairs of a sovereign country no matter what it was seeing some Western countries doing.

“We have expressed concern about the provocative actions, about a lack of appropriate evaluations of the violence that is happening in Kyiv, which looks like a violent attempt to overthrow the legitimate authorities and which is going beyond the limits of any civilized process,” Matviyenko said.

In her opinion, Russia will soon express its opinion about the measures that the international community should take. She criticized the opposition leaders who, in her words, “were traveling to the West and meeting with the heads of Western countries.”

“If the appeal for stopping violence had coherently been made at those meetings, the Maidan appeals and actions would have been completely different,” Matviyenko concluded.

Interfax February 19, 2014

Russia demands Ukrainian opposition leaders stop bloodshed, resume dialogue with govt

MOSCOW: The Russian Foreign Ministry believes that the Ukrainian opposition leaders involved in the ongoing street riots must stop the bloodshed and immediately resume dialogue with the legitimate authorities.

“Russia demands that the leaders of Maidan stop the bloodshed in their country and immediately resume dialogue with the legitimate authorities without threats or ultimatums,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Wednesday.

“Ukraine is a state that Russia considers a friend, a brother and a strategic partner, and we will wield all our influence so that peace and accord might be restored in this country,” it said.

“Blood was shed through radical opposition forces’ criminal actions” in Kyiv and some other Ukrainian cities last night, the Foreign Ministry said. “A number of people have been killed and injured both among civilians and among law enforcement agencies, which are defending the state’s legitimate interests by ensuring law and order,” it said.

National Radio Company of Ukraine February 19, 2014

Two traffic police officers shot dead in Kyiv

Two traffic police officers have been killed and one more has been wounded during an armed attack in Kyiv, the public liaisons department of the Ukrainian Interior Ministry has reported.

“The event took place in the Sviatoshynsky district of the capital. According to preliminary figures, traffic police officers pursued an offenders’ car. Shots were heard from there,” reads the statement. “Two traffic police officers were killed on the spot, and the third one was taken to hospital. He is in a serious condition. Police are establishing the circumstances of the attack.”

Interfax-Military February 19, 2014

Ukrainian defense ministry steps up security around ammunition stores

KYIV: Troops have been re-deployed from a military base to others due to the increased security around stores of ammunition and other military facilities, the Ukrainian Defense Ministry said.

“Due to the aggravation of the sociopolitical situation in the country and to prevent pilfering of ammunition stores and any military gear, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have taken steps to increase security at military arsenals, bases, stores and other military facilities,” a spokesperson for the Defense Ministry told Interfax.

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