(2 Videos Incl.)Arkansas man guns down 15-year-old girl for egging son’s car as a prank

The Bible refers to America by the name, Babylon, and teaches us, Rev. 18:2, “…Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hole of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.” Her every thought is murder & death.
Whether she practice it upon other nations or leave it to those within her own borders, death is the order of the day. She is filled with evil and indecency and there is no good in the works of this wicked nation.
  It doesn’t matter which city you enter, “In one large metropolitan city of America, the death rate is terrific…children kill children….male is against male and female is against female, destroying each other.”–pg.126(tfoa)
Arkansas man guns down 15-year-old girl for egging son’s car as a prank (via Raw Story )

An Arkansas man is facing first degree murder charges after he allegedly shot a 15-year-old girl to death over the weekend because she was participating in a prank on his 16-year-old son. Shortly before 1:00 a.m. on Saturday morning, Little Rock Police…

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