US stocks jump amid confidence in economy, but This is the lull before the impending tsunami of economic storms that will ravage the Western/white worlds, especially & specifically America

Don’t believe the hype. How can there be confidence in the market when investors are dumping US holdings and are instead entering into bilateral currency and swap deals? Things are not adding up.
Our future is at stake, and 99 per cent of us do not know it. They (devils) are aware of the time of their fall & your deliverance so they are trying to fool you into believing that things are returning to the good ol’ days.
     This is the lull before the impending tsunami of economic storms that will ravage the Western/white worlds, especially & specifically America…”The world knows this now but the spiritually blinded, deaf and dumb American so-called Negroes, to whom I am calling and appealing to reason. I am calling them to reason with me on the truth and their own salvation, that is now in truth of self and kind and of the enemy of self.  There will not be an end to the clashes between Black and white America — and throughout the world — until wrong, evil, murdering, deceiving and robbing the poor Black man of the earth, is destroyed and righteousness and justice are practiced.

  This is the day of God Almighty to set up justice and equality throughout the earth. He is to free the Black man — the American so-called Negro — from his deceitful, evil and murderous enemies.

  America wishes to oppose Allah (God) in this work of bringing justice and freedom to her once slaves, but this is just what Allah (God) wants. He (Allah) wants America to attack Him, to get the fight started and to bring His judgment against her with the fullness of His strength and power.

 America is bringing about political gloom. Here politicians are unable to carve out a future for America.”–pg.200(tfoa)

US stocks jump amid confidence in economy (via AFP)

US stocks Friday vaulted higher as investors shrugged off a report showing poor industrial output last month as mainly weather-related. At the closing bell, the Dow Jones Industrial Average jumped 126.67 (0.79 percent) to 16,154.26. The broad-based…

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