EU close to economic collapse so the global vampire prepares to suck more African blood(under the cover of human rights) to maintain its own life!


What is going on in Africa is being done under the cover of white established and maintained organizations such as The UN, ICC, Human Rights watch, Human Rights Council, the EU, and other racist tools used to implement white policies under the soft face of Right to protect and mess like that.

Their only intentions are to suffocate the rise of African independence. They know that if Africa rises, there lies the fall economically, industrially, politically, and militarily of Europe. The entire race of those people are vampires. They do nothing but keep people in misery and pain in order to steal, rob, pillage, and exploit the mineral resources and mineral wealth from the truly riche nations of Africa.

When we look at this in the proper way, we can truthfully call everyone one of those nations parasites. They have been and still are parasitic. Ever since their founding, there history bare us witness.

  They need others to suffer in order for them to rule and live well. It takes others to lack or suffer in order for them to maintain their way of life. That’s in essence a parasite or vampire.

Parasites & vampires sucks the life’s blood out of a host’s body in order for them to live and to maintain their life. This is what the white race or European people do daily. This is what they have been doing since their inception.

   France and EU to boost military presence in CAR

France will increase its troops in the Central African Republic (CAR) to 2,000 as Paris announced the deployment of another 400 troops to help combat the crisis.

French President Francois Hollande’s office urged other countries to show “increased solidarity” and called on the United Nations Security Council to create a UN peacekeeping force in the African country.

France sent 1,600 troops in December to help an African Union force of 6,000 peacekeepers, while the European Union has agreed to send an additional 500 troops, making the EU force 1000 serviceman.

At least 2,000 people have been killed and over 800,00 people displaced since the Muslim rebel group Seleka seized power in March last year in the majority Christian country.

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