Navy chief–US would ‘help’ Philippines in South China Sea. Help them to do what?

America is trying to put pressure on China. She wants to cower the rising Asian giant, but it won’t happen. China has been preparing for this day for a long time. She will not be stripped of the opportunity.
America has little leverage on China. She knows that China is about to cause the collapse of the petro-dollar and the implosion of her economy. So now she wants to punk them.
  She has put herself in the territorial disputes of the Asian nations, which is a no no! For decades she stirred clear of this, but today she knows that her time as a great power is over.
  If China….scratch that, when China dumps the dollar in the near future ,combined with her military might of arms and political sway, this will anger the former global hegemon to go to war….a war I might add, that she will not be able to win.
   It is all written in prophecy. Her laying low will be done with the help of that yellow man. They have been playing for this day for along time according to their knowledge of what is to now take place.
US would ‘help’ Philippines in South China Sea: Navy chief (via AFP)

The United States will “help” the Philippines in the event that China occupies disputed islands in the South China Sea, the US Chief of Naval Operations said Thursday. Admiral Jonathan Greenert also stressed that the US would honour its mutual defence…

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