America is being exposed daily…As thou hast done!


America is being exposed daily. Her dual policies and hypocritical actions along with her imperial policies are on show for all the world to see. America is mad at Russia for exposing her. In words, America is telling the world…do not spy on us. Only America has the right to spy on everyone else.

….”Bible, Obad. 15, “…As thou has done, it shall be done unto thee.” America has done the worst work of deceiving other peoples and making false friendships with them. Now her turn has come. No one wants to trust her for friendship, for she has deceived many nations.

  Rev. Ch. 12 (Bible) prophesies of America under the worst names that could be given to a human being: serpent, snake, Satan, devil, and the deceiver of the people of the earth.”–pg.108(tfoa)

    Russia exposed ‘hypocrisy of US diplomacy’: Scott Rickard

Former intelligence linguist Scott Rickard says Russia exposed the “hypocrisy” of US diplomacy, if the accusation is true that Moscow was behind leaking a recent phone call between top US diplomats in Europe.

Earlier this month, Washington blamed Russia for taping and leaking an embarrassing phone call between top US diplomat for Europe Victoria Nuland and US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt which laid bare Washington’s deep involvement in Kiev’s internal affairs.

“The Americans have been aggressively monitoring communications against the Russians and it’s about time that the Americans were held accountable for not only their unprofessional but incredibly imperialistic perspectives on a country like Ukraine and elsewhere,” Rickard told Press TV on Wednesday.

“At the end of the day, Americans got what they deserved and these individuals representing America across the world need to be replaced and thankfully someone posted this and if it was the Russians, my hat’s off to the Russians for exposing the hypocrisy of American diplomacy,” he added.

National Intelligence Director James Clapper said on Tuesday American intelligence agencies “certainly” consider Russia a possible suspect behind the release of the telephone call.

“Well, we don’t know,” Clapper said when asked during a Senate hearing if Moscow intercepted the call. “They would certainly be … on the potential list of suspects.”

Moscow has denied it was behind the leak and the posting of the call on the Internet.

The news comes as the United States faces a global outrage over its own mass spying activities, including on foreign governments.

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