As they realize that there is no way out, this is what they’re saying… People Will Be Terrified When The Sh*t Hits The Fan


I think that its time to pony up. Separation is happening. God is destroying all of the crutches that the white man in America had for you to lean on to prevent you from going for self. All of it is being leveled to the ground. You won’t have any of it soon.

You don’t have a cloak of ignorance anymore for your openly rejection of the truth that is smacking both you and your former slave-masters in the face. The crisis that has engulfed the world is a clear sign of that the fact that….” We must bear our own responsibility.

   This the God of justice and truth will force you to do, before He will be defeated, His purpose and aim is to reunite us to our own. He will fight the arch deceiver with the forces of nature and with His own wisdom, which has  no equal, to make you and the enemy bow to His will.

   This is the judgment of the world and especially of the white man in America, who has been here for 400 years, living between the two oceans – the Atlantic, and the Pacific – to do as he pleases.”–pg.54(tfoa)

America is such a predicament that it has become impossible for her to continue to exist. Her evil has exceeded the limits time and time again. She refused to do right and give justice to whom it was due. She still refuses to ,even in the day of her takings.

Now, It is clear that the judgment is becoming so vicious and terrible that the people are shuttering and cowering in fear and panic….”We must not forget how we are warned by prophecies for one hundred years and for one thousand years that an end must come to his world.

  The rulers of this world must be removed and the crown must be taken off and placed upon another head, and they will rule in justice and righteousness.

  The people of this world have now become so wicked and so fearful of the consequences of their own rule until the almost thoughtless vision is gone, and fearfulness has taken hold of the people.

  Their head is going to and fro to the nations of the earth to find a way of peace between the heads of the nations. “A Great Time! A Troublesome Time! A Terrible Time

  The hearts of the people all begin to weaken and to fail because of what is going on and what they see is coming!”!”–pg.192(tfoa)

 Embry – People Will Be Terrified When The Sh*t Hits The Fan

With oil breaking over $100, gold and silver surging and stocks struggling, today a man who has been involved in the financial markets for 50 years, and whose business partner is billionaire Eric Sprott, warned King World News that people are going to be “even more terrified when the sh*t hits the fan this time.” John Embry also discussed the implications of the coming chaos for investors around the world in his powerful KWN interview.

Embry: “What I’m looking at now is this whole world
economic situation.  The powers that be would have you believe that we are in a
nascent recovery and it’s going to gain strength.  I believe there will be no
recovery of any magnitude in the world economy for the simple reason that there
is far too much debt.

One of the most important tenets of Austrian economics, of which I am a true believer, is that it takes more and more credit creation to generate a real increase in GDP as you get deeper into an economic cycle, and we are extremely deep into this cycle.

The amount of credit creation that is required to get growth at this point, it can’t even be supported.  We can’t even support the debt load that we have now, let alone massive new quantities of debt.  So the idea that we are going to have a self-sustaining recovery is just fantasy.

I think the Western world, particularly in Japan, is long since past the point of no return.  And China, from all of the financial numbers I look at, may be approaching the point of no return as well.  It is taking more and more credit creation to grow their economy, and clearly they are starting to have major credit problems.

So I’m very comfortable with the idea that there are only two possible outcomes:  A 1930s-style Great Depression, or the path of least resistance, which is where you just keep printing money so that nothing caves in, and that most assuredly will lead to hyperinflation….more here


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