US criticism of China’s maritime claims ‘hypocrisy’…This is why now a war between civilizations must take place


They see this world and its way of governance swiftly being pushed out. Today, we live at the end of the world of people who have ruled the black man and his various colors between black and white for the last 6,000 years. The world of disbelievers and hypocrites know these are the days and the end of the rule of the white man.

Ever since the Caucasian has been let loose out of the caves of Europe, he has been warring and deceiving others. He came out of the caves having great wrath(warring, occupying, deceiving, and destroying), as the Bible says of satan, knowing he has but a short time to rule. Today, they have filled the earth with their wickedness, and there is 100 per cent dissatisfaction against their continued rule over the nations black people. …”EU stands for hills and cavesides of that continent and ROPE means a place where that people were bound in.

  Since 1492, the people of the white race have been allowed to spread over the face of the earth (to have the freedom of deceiving all that they could). To learn more about them, let us read and study their history. Read in the Bible the Revelation of John, under the title of  “The Beast and the Dragon.”   Their history shows trouble-making, murder and death to all darker people from the far-off islands and mainlands of Asia as well as the South Seas and the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. All have been touched by their destructive hand and evil way of civilization and finally the bringing of my people to make their destruction sure.”–pg.267m.t.t.b.m.)   

     ….”the white man has gotten into all of the civilized people of the earth and he knows them and they know him.

   This is why now a war between civilizations must take place; because the present ruler (white race) has deceived the whole entire civilized world with their civilization of deceit! The white race was made for the purpose of making mischief. The white race was made for the purpose of deceit. And, now that Almighty God Has Come to Make Manifest that which has been hidden of the truth, this runs the white man from under his deceitful blanket which had the white man covered.

  As the Bible teaches us “God will pull the covering off of the covered and show the nations his (white race’s) shame” (Nah. 3:5).….”–pg.40(tfoa)

   US criticism of China’s maritime claims ‘hypocrisy’: analyst

America’s criticism of China for its maritime claims over the South China Sea and East China Sea is “hypocrisy” since the US has carried out a similar policy for nearly 200 years in the Western Hemisphere, an American analyst in Idaho says.

The US cannot condemn China for “exercising its sovereignty in its own territory,” said Mark Glenn, co-founder of the Crescent and Cross Solidarity Movement. “The United States basically created a blanket of influence over the entire Western Hemisphere” with the introducing the Monroe Doctrine in 1823 by President James Monroe, Glenn said. “The same foreign policy that the United States uses in exerting its influence in the Middle East is the same policy that it basically uses throughout the world, and China is no exception to that,” he added. Washington is growing concerned that Beijing’s maritime claims are an effort to gain control of oceans in the Asia-Pacific region. China rejects US allegations that it is using vague territorial claims to gradually assert control in the Asia-Pacific region, accusing Washington of exaggerating tensions in the region. A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said on Saturday that China’ s maritime rights in the South China Sea are formed by history and protected by the international law. China, Japan, South Korea, The Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, Malaysia and Brunei all have territorial claims across the South China Sea and East China Sea, which are part of the Pacific Ocean. Source:

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