War is coming & she is preparing — Russia will begin construction on nine (carrier killer)submarines next year



Let me make this perfectly clear. The recent build-up of weaponry and arms by America(& NATO) & Russia, China, and others…is not for peace. Contrary to what they say this is not what they are for.

You don’t see any of them making peace ships. You don’t see any of them making peace planes. You don’t see any of them making weapons of mass prosperity.

What you see all of them doing is investing heavily in warplanes. They are building warships. They are trying to make the most destructive weapons of mass destruction.

This shows you that this world is far removed from peace or the making of peace. They are all preparing for war ,war, and more war.

Just as Messenger Elijah Muhammad stated on page 23 of his book, “Self-Preservation Is The First Law Of Nature”….”The whole entire world of Christianity, the whole entire world of the white man is going to total destruction; in their effort to try to settle their differences on the basis of arms, not on the basis of love and unity, but on the basis of arms that will never set peace on earth for them.

As it was not made for peace. What i mean…arms of their sort, literally arms, destructive arms. This was not made for peace. This This is made to break peace.”

imgres.jpgThis continued investment is weaponry and might of arms is pushing these nations closer and closer to using these destructive instruments of death. America being the number 1 arms maker, user, and exporter will suffer from the other ones who are itching to take when she’s n0t aware.

Look at Russia readying for war with. She is arming herself for this inevitable conflict. She knows that she will need every bit of arms that she can muster, therefore she continues her military build-up unabated!

     Russia will begin construction on nine submarines next year

(RIA Novosti) – Russia will begin construction on nine submarines in the next two years, the head of the country’s largest shipbuilder said Friday.

Mikhail Budnichenko, CEO of the Sevmash company, said at a defense expo in India the shipyard would lay down eight nuclear submarines in the next two years, including four of the new strategic missile Borey class.

He added that the company would also build a special-purpose submarine, a term that in the past has been used for boats testing new technologies and weaponry.

The first Borey-class boat, the Yury Dolgoruky, entered into service early last year and the second, the Alexander Nevsky, joined the country’s Northern Fleet in late December.


© RIA Novosti.

Yury Dolgoruky Strategic Nuclear Submarine


The boats are to be armed with the new Bulava intercontinental missile, which has been plagued by a string of failures in test launches as recently as September.

A senior navy source said in November that the submarines will be unable to perform their primary role of nuclear deterrence until the missile is operational.

The Borey is Russia’s first post-Soviet ballistic missile submarine class and will form the mainstay of the strategic submarine fleet, replacing aging Typhoon, Delta III and Delta IV-class boats. Russia ultimately expects eight Borey-class submarines to enter service by 2020.

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