The great divider…Her every work is to divide and conquer and maintain her grip on power at all costs.


imgres.jpgShe is a liar and a deceiver. Her every work is to divide and conquer and maintain her grip on power at all costs. No matter the costs of lives and money, she is willing planning and plotting the overthrow of other nations who will not bow to her whims and wishes. Her hypocrisy is stunning.

They no doubt are the root cause of global war and instability…”They love meddling in other people’s affairs. They are in every fight or war — it matters not with whom or where — but yet crying “Peace! Peace!” with every deadly weapon of war to provoke other nations to war.”–pg.169(tfoa)

imgres.jpgWe see clearly that, “America wants everyone to help her bemoan all of her set-backs but when she causes others to fall…breaks up the countries of other peoples and destroys their independence and freedom, she laughs and prides herself as doing a great thing. She puts her feet upon their economic neck and destroys their independence as a nation.”–pg.110(tfoa)

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