They are seeking to maintain their rule over the nations & even to conquer outer-space!


Do not think that this is just about exploration. This is more than that. They won’t openly tell you ,but it’s more than what they are telling you.

They see the Son of Man coming with power & great glory to remove the power of this world. They are aware of what is written in scripture. They realize that at anytime, because the time for has been here for sometime now, that the Mother plane and her 1,500 little planes could go into action against the powers of this dying world.

Have you noticed that all of the so-called powers of this world are militarizing space? Have you taken notice how they have upped their space launches? Has you taken the time to analyze the fact that these nations, especially Russia & America, are investing vast sums of money in a time of economic straits, to put up space stations and build up a so-called earth defense?

What for? Why now? What do they see coming? What do they know that they are unwilling to tell you?

War is coming. The Wheel prophesied in the Bible, that Mother of planes, is coming to lay siege to this world. This is the significance of what is behind their pre-occupation with space and space experimentation and defense issues.

In words….”Each, America and Russia, the two most powerful war-factors of the world, is seeking to maintain their rule over the nations of earth, and even to conquer outer-space. This will not last long. In their travel and investigation into space, Allah, (God), is permitting them to peep into His great, unequaled creation of power and might the heavens and earth. The Holy Qur’an, teaches that when Allah (God) gets ready to destroy a people He opens the doors of heaven to them. He gives them a peep into His great wisdom and secrets. But this does not mean that this adds power to the enemy to be able to war against the Creator. The reason for all of this is due to the fact that Allah (God) is setting up a kingdom of righteousness, freedom, justice and equality.”–pg.231(tfoa)

Russia expects to launch over dozen spacecraft before May – reports

Russia expects to launch over dozen spacecraft before May - reports

Photo: EPA

Russia expects to launch 17 spacecraft from four space centers within the next three months, a source from the rocket and space industry told Interfax news agency on Wednesday.

“Two Russian space launches are due in February, six in March and five in April. They will be conducted from Baikonur, Plesetsk and Kourou space centers and the floating platform in the Pacific. Seventeen spacecraft will be put into orbit,” the source said.

“In addition to the Progress M-22M resupply ship mission scheduled for Wednesday, a Proton-M launch vehicle with a Briz-M upper stage and the Turksat 4A Turkish satellite will blast off from the Baikonur space center [in Kazakhstan] in February. The Proton takeoff is due on February 15,” the source said.

A Glonass-M navigation satellite will be transported to orbit by a Soyuz-2-1b launch vehicle with a Fregat upper stage from the Plesetsk space center in the Arkhangelsk region on March 11, he said.

“A Proton-M powered with a Briz-M will be launched on March 16 with the Express AT1 and Express AT2 telecom satellites aboard, and a Strela launch vehicle will carry the Kondor-E remote observation satellite to orbit on March 19,” the source said.

“A Soyuz-FG launch vehicle will take off on March 26 to bring the Soyuz TMA-12M manned spaceship to space, and a Soyuz-ST-A launch vehicle with a Fregat-MT upper stage and the Sentinel-1A European satellite will be launched from the Kourou space center in French Guiana on March 29, he said.

“The first month of spring will end with the launch of a Rokot vehicle with a Briz-KM upper stage and satellites of the Russian Defense Ministry,” the source added.

The launch of a Proton-M with a Briz-M upper stage and the Express AM4R telecom satellite is due on April 6, the launch of a Soyuz-U vehicle with the Progress M-23M resupply ship on April 9, and the launch of a Zenit-3SL rocket with a DM-SL upper stage and the European telecom satellite Eutelsat 3B from the floating platform in the Pacific Ocean under the Sea Launch program on April 13.

Voice of Russia, Interfax

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