While speaking the soft buttered words of “peace” “peace”…US ‘using terrorism for regime change


As the prophets of old said to us in many parables, America must be taken and destroyed that peace may flourish on Earth. It cannot happen so long as America is here. She is and has proven to be the great obstacle to peace.

She must be removed. There are no if ands  or buts about it. She has to go and go soon!

…” Never since the creation of Adam and Eve have there been such chaotic times as we are witnessing today – with the worst yet to come! There is no peace among the nations of the earth.”–pg.56(tfoa)

Indeed, America specifically….”The white man’s tricknology is always being trumpeted to the world (that they are peace lovers), as though they want all people, as they falsely claim, to be free and to live in peace, while they are sitting on and crushing between twenty and thirty million Black people in America, who were their servitude slaves a hundred years ago.”–pg.77(tfoa)

We know her actions. We know how she is. A good description of her actions is as follows…” America goes abroad and makes war against other people. Then she charges them with making war against her when she is the one who is guilty of the war-making.”–pg.115(tfoa)

   US ‘using terrorism for regime change’: journalist

The United States and the West are “using large-scale terrorism as a tool for regime change,” a veteran journalist in Atlanta says, adding that America’s military spending is “destroying the country.”

“The US and some of the other Western countries are openly using large-scale terrorism as a tool in regime change,” said Jim W Dean, managing editor and columnist at Veterans Today.

Dean warned the American people to wake up and stop their government’s dangerous military policies and expenditures.

“The responsibility of stopping this and changing this has to come from the American people here and if they just continue being asleep at the wheel, we’re going to reap the world,” he said. “This tremendous, crazy expenditure on war is slowly destroying the country.”

Dean also said that US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel’s warning that China and Russia are challenging the United States is “totally bogus.”

“It’s a cheap smokescreen to the West’s own neo Cold War that they started which is nothing more than a gunboat diplomacy.”

During the Munich Security Conference, Hagel said on Saturday that nations such as China and Russia are rapidly modernizing their militaries and global defense industries, challenging America’s technological edge and defense partnerships around the world.

The Pentagon chief stated that the US military has been reorganizing to deal with new threats and expanding its military across the world more than before.

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