He(God) brought the surrounding nations against Babylon at the prime of her power(US War Sec. — China, Russia challenging US military power.


We know that America is pre-occupied with trouble, trouble, and more trouble. Her war scientists and economists and educators, and market men are going insane trying to stave off sudden death. They know that this is the time of America being taken just as the old prophets predicted.

Her end has come and none will be able to help or ward off the coming implosion and the sword from outside powers. She is worried to death literally as well as figuratively.

Problems are multiplying on her and she can’t handle the burden of the judgment as it weighs heavier on her by the minute….”According to radio and television, and according to individual conversation — and according to conversation heard between government officials concerning their problem of trying to find a way to peace for their    people — and a way to find stoppage of the fall of their money market and unemployment — and a stoppage to the revolutions between the dissatisfied and the dissatisfied — and to find a way to be able to eat — and to keep the hungry eating from his own labor — pacification is offered but it does not satisfy.

   With nations rejecting peace offers and nations laughing and making mock of you for ever seeking peace and friendship — as it is written, ‘Peace is desired more than fine gold!’

   Now to see all of these things coming to pass — things that we did not know that we would see. We did not know that we would see such a Goliath — such a giant — falling.

   Goliath! who has defied the nations of the earth t come out and fight with them, as Goliath did before Israel. Now, nations make mock of the great giant of the earth, America.

  The sword within and the sword without! Trouble seems to have no end. “–pg.255(tfoa)

In the book of Revelation (Bible), it is prophesied here that an angel heralded a warning to the people that Babylon is falling. This is that time!

The leaders and their military heads are scrambling to prevent the taking of Babylon. Their efforts with fail. They are spread-out in an effort to prevent the rise of a worthy opponent not knowing that their opponents have already been raised and given instructions on how to come against her and when.

….” And the Bible warns America of what happened before her. Ancient Babylon enjoyed a fulfilling position at her time. But King Darius came against her at the time of her full enjoyment of wealth, drunkenness and her laughing at the slaves that she had made of Israel. King Darius came with his army and overcame the sleeping guards who were sleeping on the security of their life.

 The Bible prophesies that the enemy will say, “Come, let us go up and destroy her whose city is not fenced in.” And they will come from afar. They may come at noon-day, or they may come at rising in the morning, or in the afternoon. But, nevertheless they will come at a time that you thought not.

  After the war — “and unto the end of the war, desolations are determined….and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.” (Bible Dan. 9:26-27) I want you to know that, that which will be poured means: it is the deprivation of you, America, of your ever getting back into power again to attack the nations of the earth.”–pg.204(tfoa)

China, Russia challenging US military power: Hagel

Secretary of State John Kerry (L) and Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel speak before addressing the Munich Security Conference.

Secretary of State John Kerry (L) and Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel speak before addressing the Munich Security Conference.

US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel has warned that China and Russia are challenging the United States as they are investing in their military capabilities.

“Most persistent and pressing security challenges to Europe and the United States are global,” Hagel said during the Munich Security Conference, the most important transatlantic security gathering, on Saturday.

“Nations such as China and Russia are rapidly modernizing their militaries and global defense industries, challenging our technological edge and defense partnerships around the world,” he said.

The Pentagon chief, who was addressing the conference with Secretary of State John Kerry, stated that the US military has been reorganizing to deal with new threats.

He also noted that the United States is expanding its military across the world more than before.

“I would venture to say, the United States is more present, doing more things in more places today than maybe ever before,” Hagel said.

“How we’re doing it is different,” he said. “If that narrative is not getting out there, then maybe that’s our fault.”

Secretary Kerry also confirmed Hagel’s remarks during his speech, pushing pack against criticism that the US is retreating from the Middle East and the rest of the world.

“I can’t think of a place in the world that we are retreating, not one,” Kerry said.

“We are facing threats of terrorism and untamed growth in radical sectarianism and religious extremism,” Kerry said. “America needs a strong Europe and Europe needs a committed and engaged America. And that means, turning inward is not an option for any of us.”

Kerry said the US and Europe need a transatlantic renaissance, “a new burst of energy and commitment and investment in the three roots of our strength: our economic prosperity, our shared security and the common values that sustain us.”

President Barack Obama has put Washington’s focus toward Asia in a strategy known as “pivot to Asia.”

The strategy has irked Russia and China which have repeatedly voiced concerns over the Obama administration’s increasing military presence in the region.

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