Western economic warfare — Moody’s downgrades Ukraine over escalating crisis

This is nothing less than Western economic warfare. This is a slap in the face more to Russia than to Ukraine itself. After pledging to stay out of the internal affairs of that sovereign state, under secret pressure by Western states, Moody’s credit agency wades in on the issue knowing that this could make matters worse for Ukraine which is dependent on Russia for bailout loans.
 This also makes it that much more difficult for Russia to justify its economic help to its Slavic brother nation. This is being orchestrated by America and NATO nations. Make no mistake about it, they have declared economic war on both Ukraine and Russia and are showing them both that they are willing to go to the maximum to rip Ukraine out of Russia’s sphere of influence thus weakening a resurgent Russia, making it ripe for the taking in a war with NATO.
  Remember that this move by Moody’s undermines the confidence needed to maintain a stable economy. This in turn will thorw Ukrainian markets in turmoil, just as is wanted by the West. All one has to do is ask the question….who benefits the most from this recent decision?
  The answer is very clear. They are using every economic lever at their disposal to undermine  Russia’s grip and create a situation for another color revolution ousting the pro-Kremlin President & government!
Moody’s downgrades Ukraine over escalating crisis (via AFP)

Rating firm Moody’s on Friday downgraded Ukraine’s sovereign debt rating a notch, citing the country’s escalating political crisis and concerns about whether it will continue to have Russian financial support. Moody’s cut the country’s rating, already…

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