Who’s ready for the big event??? (No not the super bowl…just imagine how you would feel if you got “Locked out of Heaven” because you were locked into the game!!! At least you got those good commercials lol)


By Master Elijah Muhammad

They (devils) see the end of their world and they see the signs of the Son of Man coming in the sky with power and great glory (the great Ezekiel’s wheel and the unity of the Muslim world and the distress of nations). The so-called Negro must awaken before it is too late. They think the white man’s Christianity will save them regardless of what happens. and they are gravely mistaken. They must know that the white man’s religion is not from God nor from Jesus or any other of the prophets. It is controlled by the white race and not by Almighty Allah (God).


“The near event draws nigh, there shall be none besides Allah to remove it. Do you wonder at this announcement? And will you laugh and not weep? While you sport and play, so make obeisance to Allah and serve Him” (Holy Qur-an 53:57,58,59,60). Let us remember another Qur-an saying: “None disputes concerning the communications of Allah (God) but those who disbelieve, therefore let not their going to and fro in the cities deceive you. The people of Noah and the parties after them rejected prophets before them, and every nation purposed against their Apostle to destroy him, and they disputed by means of the falsehood that they might thereby render null the truth. Therefore I destroyed them: how was then my retribution and thus did the word of your Lord prove true against those who disbelieved that they are the inmates of the fire” (Holy Qur-an 40:4-6).

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