They are warning you that you are going to get hungry too…A Budget That Tightens Belts by Emptying Stomachs


hunger3You did not want the truth. ou re against it because you didn’t like Elijah Muhammad. But didn’t he warn you of this day? Didn’t he tell you that this devil would e forced to drop you? He warned you of the plight that wasto come & is now here.

He tried to warn you that…”America, hunger is staring at you now.  Unemployment-you cannot buy the food that you used to buy, for you have nothing to buy it with. This is why I plead with you to come join up with me and let us go to the earth and grow our food not go walking around the city with a basket for the devil to drop food into–he will not help you for he will not have any food to drop into his own basket. He has not only food stored up, but he has clothes stored up. He has plenty of this, but that does not mean that he cannot come to hunger and nakedness if Allah (God) strikes at him. Allah (God) brings the wicked into desolation before they can get started to strike back.–g.29(tfoa)

hungerYou made fun of the warning. Now it is staring you in the face. You are not able to ingore nor deny the fact tat it is here.

hunger2It is now here in your living room touching your stomaches and your wallets. ..”The die is set, with a foolish people, who like, in the time of Noah, could not see the sign of the rain, bringing on the Flood even after the clouds began to darken the sky. They did not see the on-coming rain until it actually started to rain.

 So it is with America. They pay no attention to the signs of the judgment that is now taking place.”–pg.213(tfoa)

  Now you must unite with God through His Messenger or suffer your refusal or rejection. What is going on will drive you to the bread wagon if yo do not wake up and prepare.

  …” True…the world is warning you now, and you act as though the white people can help it. But they are telling you now that unemployment keeps mounting and they can do nothing about it. They are warning you that you are going to get hungry too, but you are not trying to take it with sincerity that they are telling you the truth. You are like a child who cries to its mother for bread and milk, whether there is any in the kitchen or not.

 So this is you…a big, old, grown child, who has been nursed and fed by the white people and sheltered by them and you think you will always have this from them. But No Sir…remember the parable of Lazarus and the rich man. At last, the rich man died and in his death of poverty, he came to suffer the same thing that Lazarus suffered…being deprived of good homes, and luxury of all kinds. This will be taken in this day and time. But the righteous will flourish with whatever they please with God.“–pg.218(o.s.h.a.)

A Budget That Tightens Belts by Emptying Stomachs


By Michelle Chen

San Antonio Food Bank workers Sergio Baiz (right) and Ed Rivas (left) prepare to cook mashed potatoes that will be served to low-income students. Under the House of Representatives’ new budget, food assistance will be cut by $20.5 billion over 10 years.   (U.S. Department of Agriculture / Flickr / Creative Commons).

A time-honored tactic of conservative lawmakers is to “starve the beast”by defunding government programs. In the case of food stamps—the quintessential whipping boy for budget hawks—they’re going a step further by trying to starve actual people.

The House of Representatives and Senate have proposed the United States “tighten our belts” by slashing billions of dollars from poor people’s food budgets. The main mechanism for shrinking the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) funding is the removal of “categorical eligibility.” Basically, most states have used this policy to streamline enrollment: Families are made eligible for food stamps based on their receipt of other benefits, such as housing or childcare subsidies. That often means broadening eligibility for working-poor families or those with overall household income or savings that exceeds regular, stricter thresholds for qualifying for food stamps.

Now the House and Senate farm bill proposals, particularly the House plan, seek to “save” billions more by cutting categorical eligibility. Under the House farm bill budget, which cuts $20.5 billion in SNAP over 10 years, benefits would be eliminated for “nearly 2 million low-income people, mostly working families with children and senior citizens,” according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP). (The Senate bill also cuts SNAP but only by about $4 billion over 10 years). In addition, the cuts would devastate poor students, because SNAP eligibility has enabled 210,000 low-income children to qualify for free school meals. That means more hunger pangs for kids in the cafeteria, and an emptier refrigerator waiting for them at home. Meanwhile, their working-poor parents may find themselves buying cheaper, less nutritious food to stretch budgets, or turning to the local food pantry, or facing cruel trade-offs like delaying rent payments to pay for groceries or leaving a health problem untreated.

According to Stacy Dean, vice president for food assistance policy with the CBPP, the House proposal would end up cutting food stamps for people who hold minimal assets–poor families who have held onto a car to get to work, for example, or with savings just above $2,000. So at a time when wealth has declined for 93 percent of households, poor families who have built up a modest nest egg may be rewarded with the indignity of hunger. The typical food stamp family doesn’t fit the stereotype of the shiftless poor or “welfare queens,” Dean explained via email:

A typical working family that qualifies for SNAP benefits due to categorical eligibility is a mother with two young children who has monthly earnings just above the program’s monthly gross income limit ($2,069 for a family of three in 2013). On average, the families above that limit who qualify for SNAP as a result of categorical eligibility have combined child care and rent costs that exceed half of their wages. The approximately $100 per month in SNAP benefits they receive covers about one-fourth to one-fifth of their monthly food budget.

In addition to bumping people out of categorical eligibility, the House proposal would hit the so called “heat and eat” policy — a mechanism used by some states to coordinate heating assistance payments with food stamps. As a result, according to the CBPP, “about 850,000 low-income households, which include about 1.7 million individuals, would lose an average of $90 a month in SNAP benefits.”…more here

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