The time is against her & this she knows so she is preparing for possible civil unrest


The government of America is under strain. She is unable to pave the way for a prosperous future for her people. He elected and selected officials are unable to forge wise and prudent policies for their nation. This means that the guidance for governance of the people has been taken from the people and their governments.

When things like this occur on top of perpetual war, increasing deficits, unpayable debts, growing instability, repressive government tactics, unjust and inhumane wealth redistribution further pushing the poor to the floor…these things add up to a cocktail or recipe for civil insurrection & internal war.

Is that not what we are seeing taking place in America. She is no longer the apple of the eyes of the nations around the Earth. Infact, they are now fleeing from her for fear of what may come to them through their associationg with her.

True indeed… This is the day of God Almighty to set up justice and equality throughout the earth. Allah is after America. She has tried to hide these facts for a long time now, but the truth is pushing forward and we see with our own eyes the confirmation of it. She now stands in a very terrible and precarious situation.

The great, dreadful and awful day (doom) is now in the doors and windows of America. It is here because she would not do justice by those whom she has wronged continually. Her arrogance has reached the limits and even exceeded the limits, so now God has come to bring down this vaunted power.

  The time is against her. The time of her rule is now up and she is scared not only of what the nations intend to do to her, she is also frightful over what she thinks that her own citizens may do to her….”America is bringing about political gloom. Here politicians are unable to carve out a future for America.”–pg.199(tfoa)

Anyone who knows about the natural laws that govern everything and anyone with a heart for justice will readily acknowledge that America must be taken and destroyed. So now America is moving to try to beat prophecy. Even though she will fail, yet she will still try. so their is a warning given to her…”The sky over America is shadowed with thousands of planes, but yet the grievous destruction awaits America. America sends planes flying out into space by means of the most modern rockets designed for space-travel!

 At home, America’s country is as the prophet foresaw and prophesied of it; America is covered with planes and her army is standing ready to stop inside rebellion. The prophet who foresaw all of this readiness and preparation for the world showdown of military might, says, “Woe to the land shadowing with wings…” (Bible Is. 18:1).”–pg.124(tfoa)


US preparing for possible civil unrest

Source: Presstv

First it was the  Department of Homeland Security, then it was the National Oceanic and  Atmospheric Administration, and now the Social Security Administration is set to  purchase 174,000 rounds of hollow point bullets that will be delivered to 41  locations across the country.

A solicitation  posted by the SSA on the FedBizOpps website asks for contractors to supply  174,000 rounds of “.357 Sig 125 grain bonded jacketed hollow point pistol  ammunition.”

An online  ammunition retailer describes the bullets as suitable “for peak performance  rivaling and sometimes surpassing handloads in many guns,” noting that the ammo  is “a great personal defense bullet.”

The synopsis to  the solicitation adds that the ammunition is to be shipped to 41 locations  within 60 days of purchase. A separate spreadsheet lists those locations, which  include the Social Security headquarters in Baltimore, Maryland as well as major  cities across the country including Los Angeles, Detroit, Oklahoma City, Dallas,  Houston, Atlanta, Denver, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and  Seattle.

Hollow point  bullets are designed to expand as they enter the body, causing maximum damage by  tearing apart internal organs.

It’s not  outlandish to suggest that the Social Security Administration is purchasing the  bullets as part of preparations for civil unrest. Social security welfare is  estimated to keep around 40 per cent of senior citizens out of poverty. Should  the tap run dry in the aftermath of an economic collapse which the Federal  Reserve has already told top banks to prepare for, domestic disorder could ensue  if people are refused their benefits.

Indeed, earlier  this year the Department of Homeland Security ran a drill called Operation  Shield which included turning the entrance of a Florida Social Security office  into a checkpoint manned by Federal Protective Service officers armed with  semiautomatic rifles.

“With their blue  and white SUVs circled around the Main Street office, at least one official was  posted on the door with a semiautomatic rifle, randomly checking  identifications. And other officers, some with K-9s, sifted through the  building,” reported the Daily Commercial.

A rash of  solicitations by federal agencies for hollow point bullets in recent months has  stoked fears that the government is preparing for civil unrest caused by a  financial collapse on a scale similar or even larger to scenes already witnessed  in Europe over the last two years. Infowars


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