As Syrian forces nears its complete route of NATO rebels, Western nations contemplate openly interviening(& this may swiftly bring about WW3)


In recent days you have seen American officials along with their NATO lackies scrambling to bring more pressure on Syria by illegal sanctions, a massive media assault without facts, moving ally troops near near on the jordanian,iraqi,and turkish borders..They also announced the speed up of financial and military aid to terrorists elements trying to oust the legitimate government of President Assad.

  Turkey just opened a military hub right on the Syrian border. They dispatched all kinds of weaponry and troops there. Both American and Turikish officials could be seen in tandem threatening military intervention & establishing a no fly no drive zone in Syria. They are in panic mode after saying nearly 2years ago that Assad’s fall was emminent.

The Syrian forces have proved to be well trained, well prepared, well equipped, and well disciplined. Contrary to Western reports claiming that rebels were in control of the northern part of Syria, a report that was still being trumpeted as late as yesterday, the facts on the ground are showing and proving other wise.

So now with western nations announcing ,over the past 2weeks, that the battle for aleppo was “the” crucial and pivotal point to determine the future of Syria when they thought that rebels where about to prevail, they now see reality and they are now trying to mask this reality that their plans for regime change in Syria has failed and their NATO trained and backed terrorists are being routed.

This now has them thinking the unthinkable which may bring them into a global conflict with Iran,Russia, and China intervining militarily. I don’t think that Russia nor Iran can allow Western overt military intervention in Syria. this would be crossing the line. They have too many interests at stake. The ramification of which would be explosive to the geopolitical,economic, & military lanscape of which neither of those two Syrian allies would never recover from.

Aleppo rebels close to defeat


Syrian rebels

Syrian government forces have killed or captured dozens of terrorists, including Libyan and other Arab mercenaries, as they continue their operations to flush armed rebels out of Syria’s second city Aleppo.

Local people are flocking back to their homes in many southern neighbourhoods, which are now safe.

There have been similar developments in many other towns and cities in northern Syria.

According to television reports in Iran, Syrian forces operating near the border with Turkey have captured 35 Turkish officers and five members of an Iranian Islamist group. Syrian media are yet to confirm these reports.

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