US seeks ‘militarization of strategic waterways’: The writer, (John), foresaw America threatening and daring the nations to disobey her order to allow her entrance.


   ”  The ships of America can be seen everywhere…in every port of the nations of earth. Her great navy is built to command the high seas. Her decks are mounted with great bristling rifle-barreled guns. The decks of her ships are covered with planes with which to carry deadly bomb-shells to pour on other nations who dare now to reject her entrance into their waters. The writer, (John), foresaw America threatening and daring the nations to disobey her order to allow her entrance. America’s navy planes fly high in the air with their deadly bombs held ready to drop on the towns and cities of other nations who dare to attack her.”–pg.124(TFOA)

   US seeks ‘militarization of strategic waterways’



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