Re-Post From August 9th 2010 : The World’s Biggest ” Negro “

By Ahmed K. El-Shabazz


I first wrote this essay back in August of 2010. Now that Mr. Obama has attack Black and Islamic Africa , sent drones and not food to Hatti , cutting programs to help poor people ( the very people who voted for him)  , Mr. Obama is proving daily to be the World’s Biggest Negro.  Mr. Gadaffi of Libya said back in June of 2008 that he hoped that Mr. Obama did not have an inferiorIty complex , because such a Black man would feel that he was not fit to rule America , and that this type of Black man would be whiter than any white man. Mr. Gadffi when on to say that this type of Black leader would be bad for the Black people of America and Africa. Today we see Mr. Gadaffi’s words were 100% right concerning Mr. Obama.



Over 80% of the Black nation in North America voted for President Barack Hussein Obama . They voted for ” Change”, meaning a change in how the government treated not only Blacks and other persons of color, but also a change in how America treats the world. Mr. Obama, thus far, has shown himself to be the ” WORLD’S BIGGEST NEGRO” ever! From his backing out of the World Conference On Racism, to allowing the Israelis to kidnap a former Rep. of   the Congress , Ms. Cynthia McKinney, to rejection of Black Peoples call for Reparations for 310 years of slavery , to allowing the Government not to pay the  Black farmers, who won their law-suit( $3.5 billion) against the Department of Agriculture for it’s racist acts towards Black farmers over many years, this so-called Black man has been the Black Nation’s # 1 enemy, putting a Black face on White Supremacy!  Recently on an American morning talk show called  ” The View”, Mr. Obama showed just how much self-hate he has for Blacks, by saying , ” we ,(Blacks) are sort of a mongrel people”. “MONGREL “, this “Negro” has lost his damn mind !  Mongrel is one of the most racist terms used by the white race towards Blacks, Red,Brown and Yellow Peoples. As Mr. Glen Ford pointed out,

“Mongrelization” was the bane of American Manifest Destiny, an ever-present threat to white notions of “civilization.” The extermination of Native Americans and the fire and whips of daily white terror during slavery and Jim Crow kept “mongrelizing” influences at bay, but protecting the gene pools of “Anglo-Saxons” and other Europeans later allowed into the “white” fold required constant vigilance. In the post-Civil War era, as the muscular settler state prepared to push its empire beyond ocean barriers, expansionism ran into the brick wall of race purity. The United States could conquer the lands of Hawaii, the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Cuba, but how could these territories be absorbed into the national structure without hopelessly tainting “America” – politically, culturally and biologically? “

Mr. Obama is a ” Negro” because he is a “dead thinking” Black person. The word Negro comes from the latin Necro  which means dead. The Spanish used the word Negro to mean Black, but the White Americans used the word to mean a “Black Person who is dead from the neck up”.  The  Black Nation BECAME  the “American  Negro” , these people were  MADE deaf , dumb and blind  and trained to hate themselves and love their white slave master .  This was done to make the Black Man a mental as well as a physical  slave. This was planned. In 1832 a White Devil by the name of Henry Berry spoke before the Virgina House of Delegates, saying, ”  We have as far as possible, closed every avenue by which light may enter the slaves’ mind. If we could extinguish the capacity to see the light , our work would be complete; they would then be on a level with the beast of the field and we should be safe. I am certain that we would not do it, if we could find out the process and that on the plea of necessity. ”

(Mr. Obama was raised by these people, his grand mother & grand father)

Mr. Obama is  like the Black slave children who were taken away from their  Black Mothers and Fathers and raised up by the white slave master’s wife. The Slave Master’s wife raised the black child to hate himself and his people and to love EVERYTHING white. These types of Blacks  will often show more hate towards their own Black People than some whites. Because there is no hate like  self hate, and these ” negros ”  will never pass up an opportunity to show their white masters that they are loyal negros, loyal to the cause of white supremacy. This is Mr. Obama. No matter how much the white-right (Tea Party) show their hatred towards him, he still tries to win them over, bending to their every demand, and these whites still hate him and all Blacks. They donot care how much ” white blood” Mr. Obama has in him, to them he is still a “nigger”. And they hate that this ” nigger” is the face of America!

So, Mr. Obama is in a mess, he is losing his support of the Black masses, the whites who voted for him are walking away, and the White racist are hating him more, and more each day. The Messenger Elijah Muhammad (pbuh) warned the Black Nation that if  America was to every have a Black President,  by saying this,  ” If you think because Kennedy said in 40 years a Negro man would become President of the country, he will become just that, then you misunderstood. Never will a black man be able to rule a white man in America. He was only referring to the so-called American  Negroes’ unity with his brothers. This will make him strong enough to put a President in office, but not over white people.” (MESSAGE TO THE BLACK MAN, 207-208 , 1964) And this is what happen, our people’s numbers put Mr. Obama in the White House, and that is it, for he has shown to be unable and unwilling to rule over the whites of America. If he was a REAL BLACK MAN he would not have been selected by the white elite to be the C.E.O. of America. Which was a trick to fool the Black Nation and the poor, and to fool America’s enemies over-seas into thinking that America was changing her tune towards the Darker Nations of the Earth.

So much for ” CHANGE” !!!

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