Middle East ” Riots” : Zionist-America’s False Flags Psy-Ops!

By Ahmed K. El-Shabazz

” The White Muslims over there in the East ARE NOT MUSLIMS BY NATURE. They are Muslims BY FAITH AND PRACTICE. Therefore , it is not too difficult for THEIR KIN BY NATURE , White Christians , to set up that which appeals to their basic nature ; THE DESIRE TO RULE WITH IMPUNITY.  They will do anything to keep power , including making pacts with the real devil…………..and they call on this western devil to back them up………….They forget that the devils plan is to DIVIDE AND CONQUER. ………….Once the devil is in , he goes quickly to work to set up division and tension , IN ORDER TO BRING DOWN THE VERY AUTHORITY THAT HE WAS INVITED IN TO SAVE.   HE WILL EVEN SOON APPEAR TO GO AGAINST HIS MASTERS , THE JEWS , in order to gain confidence……..MUSLIMS OF THE EAST , BEWARE , SATAN IS PREPARING HIS FINAL STRIKE.——–Honorable Elijah Muhammad (pbuh) -THE LAST MESSENGER OF ALLAH

In 1877 the Freemason’s Pope , Albert Pike (33 Degree Mason , and co-founder of the Klu-Klux-Klan) wrote out the plans for three world wars. The first two parts of this plan can be read in history , as WWI and WWII . We are now in the last part of WWIII. According to Mr. Pike’s plan, WWIII is to be brought about by using agents of the ” Illuminati ” ( C.I.A , K.G.B. , MI6 , etc. ) to stir up the already deep seated dis-trust between the Muslims , Jews and Christians  world-wide.

Mr. Pike stated , ” We shall unleash the NIHILISTS  and the ATHEISTS  and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm which , in all its horror , will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute ATHEISM……….” ( Aug. 15, 1871 , as catalogued in the British Museum of London).  Communism , Naziism, and Zionism are all based in atheism. The terrorist of this world are mostly agents of  the C.I.A , MI6 and other spy networks. America was and is the head of this international Beast system. This country was founded on atheism , or as they call it European ” Freemasonry”.

All of what you see happening in the East was planned , yet the masses of the people will over come this evil. Because the over-all plan of Mr. Pike was to bring mutual destruction of Islam and Israel. Israel will be destroyed , but, ISLAM WILL NEVER BE DESTROYED!  As the Holy Qur’an says , ” they plan a plan , but ALLAH is the Best of Planners.” , because these ” riots” will get out of hand , and out of the control of these Devils. They forget that these are the ” Days Of ALLAH ” , and their time is up.

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