Re-post : Be Not Ashamed Of Your Own God !!

By Ahmed K. El-Shabazz(The Great Mahdi-Master W. D. Fard Muhammad-ALLAH-IN-THE PERSON)

” He said he loved us ( the so-called Negroes) , his lost and found, so well that he would eat rattle-snakes to free us if necessary, for he has power over all things. I asked him, ” Who are you, and what is your REAL NAME ? ” He said, ” I am the one that the world has been expecting for 2,000 years.”  I said to Him again, ” What is your real name ? ” He said , ” MY name is MAHDI; I AM GOD, I came to GUIDE YOU INTO THE RIGHT PATH that you may be successful and see the hereafter.” He described the destruction of the world with bombs , poison gas, and finally with fire that would consume and destroy EVERYTHING OF THE PRESENT WORLD. NOTHING of the present world of WHITE MANKIND  would be left. Those escaping the destruction would not be allowed to carry ANYTHING OUT WITH THEM.”——The Honorable Elijah Muhammad (pbuh) , page 17 of MESSAGE TO THE BLACK MAN IN AMERICA.

We are at war with the false leaders of Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and the Satanic Masonic Order which controls the  false leaders of the World ! ALLAH is the One who will fight for us ( the Black Nation of the Earth) which He is doing NOW ! Since the false leaders felt bold enough to help the Western White Devils do battle with ALLAH through His people , the Black Nation here in America and elsewhere, by misleading them, and teaching other than the truth, then war is the only solution !

Here, in America, which is  number one (  # 1 ) on ALLAH’S  list for destruction, due to the White race of America past and present mistreatment of the people of ALLAH, namely the Black and Red Nations of America, and America’s bold acts of open warfare on the religion of ALLAH ( Islam ), the time of the Judgement is now at hand. Here in America, there are some of the most evil and wicked enemies of the ALLAH and His people within the Black Nation itself, namely the sell-out Black religious and political leaders who have sold their souls just to be near their slave-masters children and grand-children.

One such false leader, is the so-called ” Muslim” leader of the Nation of Islam, one Minster Abdul-Halim Farrakhan ( Louis Farrakhan) who has not only watered down the Messenger Elijah Muhammad’s (pbuh) teachings, Farrakhan has also lied , and has ” Christianized ” Islam by teaching his blind followers that  Messenger Elijah Muhammad ( pbuh) is still alive, something HE KNOWS TO BE A LIE, since it well known that the Messenger Elijah Muhammad (pbuh) passed away on Feb. 26, 1975 ! We ( Hiram 1555 Blog ) have Farrakhan on tape just days after the Messenger’s death, stating that the Messenger had passed away. Now, this false-prophet , Farrakhan, is leading his deaf, dumb and blind followers back into Christianity, but not just any form of Christianity, Farrakhan is leading his group into  a SPACE-AGE ( New Age- Masonic)  form of Christianity called SCIENTOLOGY !

( Farrakhan with fellow Freemason, the Rev. Al Sharpton)

All one has to do to see if Mr. Farrakhan or any other ” Minister” is teaching what the Honorable Elijah Muhammad (pbuh)  taught, is as simple as, just picking up a book written by the Messenger Elijah Muhammad(pbuh) and weight them on the scales of ACTUAL FACTS ( which Mr. Muhammad taught) , and a fool can see that many of these so-called Ministers, like Farrakhan are lying. But, many people are lazy when it comes to scholarship.

These types are taking advantage of their own people, the same way the white man took advantage of Black people, by mis-educating them ,  mixing truth with falsehood. Which is shameful , given Mr. Farrakhan gifts of speech and teaching ability. Mr. Farrakhan wants to be a great leader , but not in the way ALLAH wants, he wants to be seen as a great man among ALL  people, which includes the very enemies of  Islam and the Black Nation. He is competing with the other sell-out Black leaders for the universal love  of the Blue-Eyed Devils , at the expense of his own Black people.  The Messenger Elijah Muhammad ( pbuh) warned the Black Nation about these types in his book ” Message To The Black Man In America” page 262 , ” A hypocrite is one who first says he believes in Islam and then disbelieves and seeks to oppose the Messenger and those who believe in him and his God.” The Messenger went on to state or describe  a ” chief  hypocrite ” , which at the time was Malcolm X, but also , the Messenger describes a future Hypocrite , ” When I made him a leader and a teacher among the people, he felt proud. He now thinks that he should be elected top man….He went, first, on the side of the Muslims , and then on the side of the devils, and again on the side of the Muslims and against the devils. He is-as the Holy Qur’an says-NEITHER THIS NOR THAT. His greatest desire is for SOMEONE TO DECLARE HIM AS THEIR LEADER. He is INSANE FOR LEADERSHIP AND DISGRACES HIMSELF FOR THAT OFFICE.”(Message To The Black Man, page 263). This has been Mr. Farrakhan’s history since 1975 ! Study it for yourself !

The Messenger Elijah Muhammad ( pbuh) taught nothing but the truth concerning Islam, this the white devils of America and the world KNOWS . The Messenger Elijah Muhammad(pbuh) taught the world that His work among the Black Man of America was the fulfillment of the teachings of both Jesus and Prophet Muhammad ( pbut) , this too is known by the scientist of  theology and religion. Mr. Farrakhan has stated that he no longer believes that ALLAH- came to the Black Man in America the Person Of the Great Mahdi-Master W.D. Fard Muhammad to whom be Praised Forever, and he has also stated that the Messenger Elijah Muhammad (pbuh) was not ALLAH’s last Messenger. So , that means he and his followers are not TRUE followers of Messenger Elijah Muhammad (pbuh), and should stop saying they are , because this has caused great confusion among the people, which is what the enemies of the Nation Of Islam wanted !

Here is a video of  two of the Chief Hypocrites of Messenger Elijah Muhammad (pbuh) on an ” Arab ” news show.

Both of these men are those whom the American F.B. I. placed in the Nation Of Islam before the Messenger Elijah Muhammad (pbuh) passed away. J. Edgar Hoover ( a Shriner -Freemason) hated Black people , and set out to destroy ANY organization that was helping Black People. He put Black sell-out F.B.I. agaents within the Nation Of Islam to undermine the Messenger and the Nation Of Islam , once the Messenger passed away, as the following shows:

The Nation of Islam & U.S. Government
Counterintelligence Program (FBI File Date: 01-07-1969)

SAC, Chicago (157-2209) January 7, 1969

Director, FBI (100-448006)


Although the Nation of Islam (NOI) does not presently advocate violence by its members, the group does preach hatred of the white race and racial separatism. The membership of the NOI is organized and poses a real racial threat. The NOI is responsible for the largest black nationalist newspaper, which has been used by other black extremists.

The NOI appears to be the personal fiefdom of Elijah Muhammad. When he dies a power struggle can be expected and the NOI could change direction. We should be prepared for this eventuality. We should plan how to change the philosophy of the NOI to one of the strictly religious and self-improvement orientation, deleting the race hatred and separate nationhood aspects.

In this connection Chicago should consider what counterintelligence action might be needed now or at the time of Elijah Muhammad’s death to bring about such a change in NOI philosophy. Important considerations should include the identity, strengths, and weaknesses, of any contenders for NOI leadership. What are the positions of our [BUREAU DELETION] informants in regard to leadership? How could potential leaders be turned or neutralized?

The alternative to changing the philosophy of the NOI is the destruction of the organization. This might be accomplished through generating factionalism among the contenders for Elijah Muhammad’s leadership or through legal action in probate court on his death. Chicago should consider the question of how to generate the factionalism necessary to destroy the NOI by splitting into several groups. [BUREAU DELETION]

Letter to SAC, Chicago

Legal action against the NOI on the death of its leader depends on the answers to several questions:

1. Does Elijah Muhammad have a will?
2. Is the NOI incorporated?
3. In whose name and where are NOI bank accounts?
4. In whose name are other NOI assets, such as mosque buildings, school buildings, the newspaper, Elijah Muhammad’s homes, and NOI businesses?

Depending on the answers to these questions, probate law in Illinois, and whether Chicago might have a confidential source in probate administration, tying up the NOI in probate administration might be possible.

Chicago should examine the NOI from the above counterintelligence angle and advise the Bureau. Consider the possibility of drawing up specific counterintelligence recommendations, to be acted upon when necessary, with various contingencies covered.

Now if anyone would just study the history of the Nation Of Islam after 1975, you would see that everything in the above plan of the F.B.I. took place, with the help of  the late W.Deen Mohammad , Farrakhan, and other agents  working for the F.B.I.  Their names were deleted but  if you track their actions after the Messenger’s passing you can figure out who was working for the White American Devil’s F.B.I.

Truth is Truth, and  it is the duty of those who love the truth to stand up and defend the truth, no matter who it may hurt.

We, the true followers of the Last Messenger Elijah Muhammad ( pbuh) are not ashamed of our Lord and Saviour the Great Mahdi Muhammad ( ALLAH-IN-PERSON) nor are we ashamed of ALLAH’s Last Messenger Elijah Muhammad (pbuh) for their work of raising up the Black Nation in America and returning us to our own GOD, RELIGION, NAMES, AND KNOWLEDGE OF SELF. We thank ALLAH for His Mercy, and we pray that He Bless us and keep us from harm, as we walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death here in the wilderness of North America, for we know that ALLAH is with us, because we are with Him.

I will close with the following from the Messenger Elijah Muhammad (pbuh), ” To be ashamed to confess the God of OUR salvation makes us unworthy of that God’s help and salvation which He has brought to us. Some of us, in the presence of white people , WILL DENY OUR SALVATION WHILE THE WHITE PEOPLE DO NOT, by any means, DENY THEIR HATRED OF THE BLACK MAN  or their PLANS AND THEIR ACTIONS OF ROBBERY AND DEATH TO THE BLACK MAN. The white people follow the NATURE IN WHICH THEY WERE MADE, but you do not follow the nature in which you were CREATED ( RIGHTEOUSNESS AND TRUTH)…..Being ashamed of your own God and your own self before this evil world is like eating fire.” ( OUR SAVIOUR HAS ARRIVED , page 187 -188 )


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