Riot in East Jerusalem After Israeli Security Guard Killed Palestinian Israeli Police Storm al-Aqsa Mosque

Submitted By Ahmed K. El-Shabazz

( This is THE ONE AND ONLY TEMPLE OF SOLOMON, Islam’s  ” Dome Of The Rock “. Built by the Muslims, this and no other ” temple ” is the one that the Knights Templars were the servants of , when the ” Christians ” took control of  Palestine. )

We are now witnessing the final move of the Zionist Masons, backed by England and America. Please read the post on Hiram1555 Blog entitled ” KING SOLOMON’S TEMPLE ” , which gives , in detail , the Plan of the Masonic Order to re-build the so-called ” Solomon’s Temple ” on Islam’s 3rd Holiest Site !

( Above is a Masonic drawing of  the future ” Solomon’s Temple ” )

The following comes from ANTI-WAR.COM :

Riot in East Jerusalem After Israeli Security Guard Killed Palestinian

Israeli Police Storm al-Aqsa Mosque

by Jason Ditz, September 22, 2010

A massive riot broke out in occupied East Jerusalem today following the funeral of a Palestinian civilian killed in a pre-draw shooting by an Israeli security guard.

The funeral procession broke down into violence, with rioters clashing with Israeli police and eventually a number of Israeli police armed with high powered weapons occupied the al-Aqsa Mosque, one of the holiest sites on the planet for Muslims.

By evening the clashes appeared to have quieted down, and though there were some injuries on both sides there do not appear to have been any additional killings. The Israeli police have left the mosque and a tenuous calm seems to be returning.

Tensions in the region are likely to be on the rise as Israel’s partial freeze on settlement expansion in the West Bank is scheduled to end on Sunday. Israel’s government has ruled out extending the freeze, despite the likelihood that it will harm the ongoing peace talks with the Palestinian Authority.

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