‘Iran on verge of potential US-led war’

Submitted By Ahmed K. El-Shabazz

It seems that America wants to try and fight her way out of her economic problems by starting a war with another Islamic country. This shows the confused state of mind that the ruling elite of America has , concerning the TIME.   If America / Israel goes and start a war with Iran it will be the final nail in America’s  and Israel’s coffins. Europe will soon follow , which will complete the FALL OF THE WEST in our life time !

The following are two ( 2 )  reports  from PRESS TV of Iran:

‘Iran on verge of potential US-led war’

Sun Sep 19, 2010

( Iranian defense forces in a military parade )

A top Iranian commander has warned of a potential US-led war against Iran in the near future, insisting on enduring readiness of Iran’s defense forces to repel any attack.

Speaking at the fifth conference on the study of Iran’s ‘sacred defense’ files, Deputy Commander of Iran’s Armed Forces of the Islamic Revolution’s Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Gholamali Rashid said that under “current threatening conditions” when the US and Israel are “daily beating on their war drums,” it would not be an exaggeration to say that we are on the verge of a potential war in the [near] future.”

Gen. Rashid’s remarks came following his description of threats made by the US and Israel against countries of the region after the “suspicious September 11 incident.”

Referring to continued US threats against the Islamic Republic in the past 10 years, he reiterated that Iran’s Army and the IRGC are maintaining constant readiness for any given situation.

The IRGC general said one of the signs of threats against the country is the four wars that Israel and the US waged in our region in less than eight years leading to thousands of deaths, millions of homeless and the destruction of infrastructures in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon and Palestine.

He noted that despite all the death and destruction they have brought to Muslims and Muslim countries while calling Islam and Muslims their number one enemy, they have the nerve to deceitfully talk about human rights. These are the reasons behind their insult against Islam’s holy book of Qur’an.

Rashid also added that he does not think that US military commanders would commit such a strategic mistake of an all-out war, “since they are militarily incapable of waging a ground war against Iran.”

He also expressed doubt about a US aerial or missile attack against Iran, adding that they are well-aware of Iran’s great deterrence capacity, missile power, and enhanced sea defense potentials. ………………….

‘Iran’s forces ready to counter threats’

Mon Sep 20, 2010

(  Brigadier General Ahmad-Reza Pourdastan )

A top Iranian Army commander has warned against any potential foreign threats against the country, insisting that the armed forces are prepared to deliver a firm blow to the enemy.

“If the enemies want to carry threats against the Islamic Republic of Iran, the armed forces are ready to deliver a firm and powerful response to them, puting the enemies in their place,” Commander of the Iranian Army’s Ground Forces Brigadier General Ahmad-Reza Pourdastan said on Monday.

Pourdastan said Iran’s armed forces, particularly its ground troops, are highly prepared and capable of carrying out various operations, Fars News Agency reported.

The United States and its ally, Israel, have in the past few years, repeatedly threatened to launch a military attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities over rhetorical accusations that Tehran is developing nuclear weapons.

Tehran rejects the charges, arguing that as a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency, it has every right to pursue nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

Pointing to remarks made by Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, Pourdastan said “The Army’s ground forces are ready to launch any operation, in any place the authorities command.”

Ayatollah Khamenei reiterated earlier in August that if the US dares to commit the mistake of attacking Iran, the consequences would not be limited to the region and would extend beyond the Middle East. ………”

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