Israel PM Snubs UN Atomic Watchdog Chief

Submitted By Ahmed K. El-Shabazz

EVERY action that the Zionist Jews of ” Israel ” does towards it’s citizens and towards the international community, was used  as an excuse to attack  Iraq’s  Saddam Hussein.  Israel kills it’s own people, Israel threatens it’s neighbors, Israel possesses weapons of mass destruction , but unlike Saddam Hussein’s Iraq , Israel has refused UN Weapons Inspectors to enter , and unlike Saddam ‘s Iraq, Israel DOSE HAVE THESE WEAPONS, while no such weapons were ever found in Iraq, because the Iraqis did not have any!  And above all, Iraq has never attacked America, but Israel has attack America, REMEMBER THE ISRAELI ATTACK  ON THE U.S.S LIBERTY IN  INTERNATIONAL WATERS ?  If this was ANY other country , the so-called White Americans would jump all over them. But these ” Christian Zionist ” of America will and has let Israel get away with murder !  It seems that Israel should be handled the same way that Iraq was handled , but we KNOW that will not happen. Please read the following report showing America’s and the World’s double standard when it comes to Zionist Israel.

Israel PM snubs UN atomic watchdog chief: newspaper

(AFP) – 1 day ago

JERUSALEM — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has snubbed UN atomic watchdog chief Yukiya Amano who is on his first visit to Israel, the Haaretz newspaper reported on Tuesday.

Amano, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), had asked to meet with Netanyahu months ago, but the scheduled meeting was abruptly cancelled last week as the premier planned to go on holiday, the paper said.

It said the meeting had been due to take place on Monday afternoon, shortly after the IAEA chief landed in Israel and a few hours before the premier was due to start his holiday.

The daily cited a diplomat familiar with the visit as saying Amano was told that the meeting had been canceled due to Netanyahu’s vacation.

“Netanyahu’s decision to cancel his meeting with Amano raised eyebrows on Monday, particularly given the premier’s fixation on Iran’s nuclear programme,” Haaretz said.

Asked about the report, a senior official who asked not to be named said he was “not aware that that is true.”

The visit comes against a backdrop of demands by some IAEA members that Israel, generally considered to be the Middle East’s sole if undeclared nuclear-armed power, sign up to the international Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Netanyahu last month secured assurances from US President Barack Obama that a proposed 2012 conference on establishing a nuclear weapons-free Middle East would not single out Israel.

Israeli President Shimon Peres, considered to be the father of Israel’s nuclear programme, is due to meet Amano in Jerusalem on Wednesday.

Amano held talks on Monday with the head of the Israeli Atomic Energy Commission, Shaul Chorev, and was due to tour the Soreq Nuclear Research Centre, whose activities are monitored by the IAEA, Haaretz said.

The IAEC, which invited Amano, and the IAEA did not immediately provide details of the trip.

Israel is to raise with Amano its concerns about Iran’s nuclear programme, which the Jewish state, the United States and other Western countries believe is ultimately aimed at producing an atomic bomb.

Iran, which on Saturday began loading fuel into its Russian-built first nuclear power plant, denies the allegations, saying its programme is for civil energy purposes only.

Ties between the IAEA and Israel were chilly during the tenure of Amano’s predecessor, Mohamed ElBaradei.

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