The Destruction Of Gog and Magog

Repost of a Flash Back report from SALAAM JOURNAL.ORG

The Destruction Of Gog and Magog

By Ahmed K. El-Shabazz

Feb 5th, 2006, 4:18pm

Salaam—–The following is an edited version of an article I wrote for MUHAMMAD SPEAKS news paper (vol. 3 No. 7) published by THE NATION OF ISLAM MUHAMMAD’S TEMPLE OF ISLAM in 1996——”Son of Man, Set thy face against Gog The land of Magog, The chief prince of Meshech and Tubal” (Ezekiel 38:2-3, Bible)–”And I will send a fire on Magog, and among them that dwell carelessly in the Isles: and they shall know that Iam the Lord”(Ezekiel 39:6, Bible)—–Look at the above verse of the Bible and compare them to what you see throughout the world. Daily, we hear news reports of wars in Europe’s center as well as in the Caucacus Mountains, between Muslims and non-Muslims.–The Honorable Elijah Muhammad(PBUH) stated, “Europe will become one of the worse war areas of all the world. More dreadful than Vietnam and other places you are planning on going into. Asia will look like childs play when compared with what is going to happen in Europe.”(Fall of America Pg. 204)–Let us study these two verses of Ezekiel from the Bible, so we will be able to answer the questions: Who is the Son Of Man? Who is Gog and Magog? The Son Of Man is the Great Mahdi the Christ, “the Crusher” whom both Jesus and Muhammad(PBUT) prophisied would come in the last days of the rulership given to Yakub’s made man(white race). The Mahdi is the One Supreme Being whom the Honorable Elijah Muhammad(PBUH) said came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad to Whom be Praised Forever.

 Both the Bible and Qur’an speaks of Gog and Magog as an area of the Caucasus Mountains.–The Bible gives us 3 names, ROSH or RUS, MESHECH(MOSCOW) and TUBAL.

( Gog & Magog)

So Gog and Magog are Russian or Slavonic(Slavs) or Teutons, which later became known as the British and German people. The early white Americans were of British and German stock. Clearly the Son Of Man (Mahdi) is readying Himself for war againist the European or Caucasian, as it is written: ” Son Of Man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog”. Look now, who is at war, Islam and Christianity along with the Jews. As it is written, ” O you who Believe take not the Jews and Christians for friends, they are friends of each other”(Holy Qur’an 5:51).—We find the history of Gog and Magog , in Chapter 18 of the Holy Qur’an, entitled “THE CAVE”. The 94th verse of Chapter 18 reads: ” O Dhu-l-garnain, Gog and Magog do mischief in the land. May we pay thee tribute on condition that thou raise a barrier, between us and them.” Dhu-l-garnain or Darius was a Persian King. He was neither Iranian nor Indo-European, but one of the Aboriginal people who lived near the Black Sea near Armenia.—Here we see Gog and Magog “doing mischief in the land” the same as to-day, the white man has always been trouble-makers, which was what Yakub, their father wanted, according to Messenger Elijah Muhammad. Dhu-l-garnian or Darius was asked to build a barrier between the Aboriginal man(Black) and Gog and Magog.–In verse 96 of Chapter 18 we find a “barrier” or wall was buildt made of iron that filled up space between the two mountains in the area of what is now known as Azerbayan and Armenia.—This barrier  made of iron became known as “Caucasian Wall” or ” The Gates of the Caucasus”, as it is written,” So they were not able to scale it nor could they make a hole in it”(Holy Qur’an 18:97)——-  
 The white Shirners still re-enact their exile out of civilization in Masonic Lodges to this day. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad stated ” Once there, they were rope in to keep  them out of Paradise.” The wall was some 666 miles long and guarded by 200,000 Muslims troops. The Bible states that GOD “drove out the man; and HE placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims(Angels)and a flamimg sword, which turned every way to keep the tree of Life(ISLAM).(Genesis 3:24)—–Gog and Magog are warn in the Bible, that ALLAH(GOD) IN PERSON will make war on them in the above Ezekiel 39:6. Here America and Britian are pointed out, as it was England and America that was the chief enslavers of the BLACK, BROWN AND YELLOW NATIONS. The Black Man suffered the worse under American Slavery. England help set up the American Slave Trade and ALLAH will re-pay both England and America for the wrong done to us by this evil race. Fire is coming! But first they will be brought to their knees.”

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