Obama Vows US Military Rule Over Planet


Obama Vows US Military Rule Over Planet
« on: Dec 2nd, 2008

Salaam———-OK, let’s think for a second or two; did not the people vote for “CHANGE”, and not the same type of governing? Well, from what Mr. Obama has been saying, LATELY,  he will change things, but not the way most of his supporters (the masses) think. Remember the Messenger Elijah Muhammad(pbuh) warned us of this BEFORE  these things we are seeing today were thought about- in His Book THE FALL OF AMERICA.— PLEASE read the following report!!!————“invisible empire has been set up above the forms of democracy………….a little group of willful men, representing no opinion but their own, have rendered the great government of the United States helpless and contemptible”.—-President Woodrow Wilson     –  -December 2, 2008
Obama Vows US Military Rule Over Planet As 1 Million Soldiers To Secure Homeland
By: Sorcha Faal——-The corridors of the Kremlin are reported to be in shock today after President-Elect Barack Obama in announcing his National Security Team vowed to his countrymen that he would maintain the United States Military’s hegemony over our entire Planet during his reign.
With a budget of over $528 billion, which totals more than that of all the World’s major powers, both East and West, combined, and 761 Military Bases literally spanning our entire Earth, Russian Economists warn that by Obama’s vow the United States has given up all hopes of rescuing their collapsing economy and are, instead, preparing for all out Global War.
Even worse for the American people is that in Obama’s preparations for Global War they are to be totally militarized on a scale not seen since Adolph Hitler and the Nazis militarization of the German peoples during the 1930’s, and which US Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced last week in his “Total Force Integration Policy” that abolishes both the United States National Guard and Reserve Forces and the 1878  Posse Comitatus Act and will lead to over 1 Million US Soldiers being stationed in the American Homeland to ‘control’ their own citizens.    

Russian Intelligence Analysts however, point out in their reports that these latest moves by Obama further confirm the United States plan for the use of brute military force to impose upon all of us their long planned for New World Order and is being ‘managed’ on the American side by their former Secretary of State, and acknowledge International War Criminal, Henry Kissinger who is represented in the new Obama Administration by soon to be US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner who began his ascent to power from Kissinger Associates in the 1980’s.
Forgotten by the American people are the warnings of their ancestral leaders about these Globalist monsters that have sought for centuries to enslave our entire World, and who President Andrew Jackson spewed against in 1832 by stating:
“Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time, and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the eternal God, I will rout you out.”Today’s Americans, sadly, have not only forgotten the warnings of President Jackson but have, literally, enslaved themselves, their children and all of their future to their Central Bank known as the US Federal Reserve System, and which these deluded people don’t even realize is a private bank that has absolutely no regard for them at all and will continue stealing from them until there is nothing left………………….. But, and sadly, to those like us, both past and present, attempting to warn these peoples of the catastrophes to come they listen not and continue being led upon a path that can only lead to their complete enslavement and ultimate destruction.  

Salaam———Here, brothers & sisters is a follow-up story on Mr. Obama’s plans to continue the “AmeriKKKan Empire:—–With Gates, Obama Opts for Empire
by Matthew Rothschild
Global Research, December 2, 2008
The Progressive – 2008-11-26——-Barack Obama’s got a big problem.
He’s suckered himself into believing that we need a bipartisan foreign and military policy.
And so he’s reappointing Robert Gates as head of the Defense Department.
Let’s remember: Gates was head of the CIA during Bush I. As such, he was involved in the invasion of Panama, the funding of a genocidal regime in Guatemala, the support of Suharto’s brutal government in Indonesia, and the overthrow of Jean-Bertrand Aristide in Haiti.
With Bush I, he pushed the first war against Saddam Hussein, even when it seemed that Saddam was preparing to withdraw from Iraq.
And now with Bush II, he’s been running the Iraq War, which Obama vowed to end.
And Gates has come out with modernizing our nuclear weapons arsenal—that means making new nukes—even though Obama talked about nuclear disarmament during the campaign.
Something’s terribly wrong with this picture.

And it’s simply this: Obama doesn’t really want a change in foreign and military policy. He said as much during the campaign when he praised Bush Sr. and said he wanted to return to the bipartisan consensus of the last forty years.
In those forty years, the United States waged war against Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. It helped overthrow the Allende government in Chile. It supported Suharto’s invasion of East Timor. It financed and trained death squads in Central America. And on and on.
With the Gates choice, Obama proves he’s not about ending the U.S. empire.
He’s about running the U.S. empire—with less bravado than Bush-Cheney, but perhaps more efficiently.
And he’s perfectly willing to use the old hands like Gates, bloody as they are, to get that job done.


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