Al-Qaeda front for CIA and MOSSAD

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Posts by Brother Ahmed K. El-Shabazz & Sister Seneca

Al-Qaeda front for CIA and MOSSAD
« on: Dec 9th, 2008    

Salaam————What happened in India last week, or so, has been called “India’s 911”. Well, that means it was an inside job, just has 911 was an inside job here in America. The Messenger Elijah Muhammad(pbuh) warned us that the Hindu, an old enemy of the Black Nation and Islam, would be helpers of the White Devils during the Judgement. Also the ISI of Pakistan, the CIA and the Israel’s MOSSAD, are all in this to fight ALLAH(The Great Mahdi-Master W. Fard Muhammad) and HIS Messenger(Elijah Muhammad) and the message that was brought to the world. The MESSAGE OF A NEW WORLD OF PEACE, which means the END OF THE MASONIC WEST!!This is the fulfillment of what the Prophet Muhammad and Isa (pbut) spoke of–THE DAYS OF ALLAH!!!!!!–  –

Al-Qaeda front for CIA and MOSSAD
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds.
Holy Quran 2:152
“Remember me and I will remember you.”
152a. The opening words of the verse fa-dhkuru-ni adhkur-kum may be translated either as remember Me I will remember you or as glorify Me I will make you eminent, for the word dhikr carries either significance, remembrance or honouring.  
Adopting either significance, what is stated here is that if the Muslims keep God in the forefront of their programme, they will be made great as a nation.
As-Salaam Alaikum
Al-Qaeda front for CIA and MOSSAD
The Mumbai based group alleged that Al-Qaeda is a front organization of CIA and MOSSAD.
“There is enough evidence that the Al-Qaeda is a front organization of the CIA and MOSSAD. The Bush junta has used the bogey of terror and of Al Qaeda to justify his unending and ever expanding Global War on Terror, which is only a means of capturing the resources of the world and of establishing the sole hegemony of Israel in West Asia,” said the group of activists and intellectuals. The group is holding a press conference in Mumbai on Wednesday to “expose the links between Al-Qaeda and the CIA-MOSSAD”.
Holding American-Israeli operation accomplices of the 9/11 attack on the WTC, the spokesman of the group said that this has been widely written about in USA and Europe itself and more than 50% of the American people and far more Europeans, now believe and are convinced about this fact. He said that sections of the Indian ruling political and military elite are importing the same Bush-Olmert formula into India.  
“The increasing terror attacks only serve the cause of the Indian elite and divide the masses along communal lines. It is only the ordinary Indians who are the victims of terror either in temples, mosques, buses or trains,” he said adding that practically no political leader suffers a similar fate, where the terrorists are apprehended and killed in “encounters”.
“Every terror attack is meant to push and drag the Indian masses further into the waiting arms of Uncle Sam and the Israeli Goliath. Every terror attack spreads further hatred for Muslims and Islam and weakens the Indian Muslim community,” he said.
Al-Qaeda is a front organization of CIA and MOSSAD : Mumbai based group of intellectuals and human rights activists
Media Release
They say ‘The Bush junta has used the bogey of terror and of Al Qaeda to justify his unending and ever expanding Global War on Terror, which is only a means of capturing the resources of the world.’ 
…A class war between rich and middle class in America ? the tax cut for wealthy, the Iraq war, outsourcing, immigration reform and now Paris Hilton
Nancy Sheldon
It is a two-tier society. One class will serve and the other will enjoy. One class will fight in Iraq and the other make money in Wall Street and low taxes. One class will go in rigorous jail and the other will enjoy great life even in jail.
An increasingly wealthy China is now building a military force tailored specifically to challenge US
An increasingly wealthy China is now building a military force tailored specifically to challenge any attempt by the United States to intervene in a conflict over Taiwan, Western and Chinese military analysts have said.
China and India in a real arms race as America spends wildly on anti-terror military hardware and software
The world has gone mad in wasting money on military hardware and software that become obsolete after a few years any way.
Against wish of American people Bush pledges to get his guess worker and amesty based immigration reform completed – big money talks
Bush’s comments on immigration reflected his determination to pass a bill to give millions of unlawful immigrants a path to citizenship. It is a top priority for the rich and powerful in America who want access to cheap labor.  
As-Salaam Alaikum

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