“Why We Seek War: Why is America in so Many Wars?
by Sherwood Ross
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Global Research, February 4, 2010
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America is “a nation that seeks war” and if it doesn’t change it could end up destroying itself, a law school dean warns.Given all the wars the United States has waged, “It is preposterous but true that we do not see ourselves as a nation that seeks war,” writes Lawrence Velvel, dean of the Massachusetts School of Law at Andover. “We see ourselves as a peace loving nation” and that message is constantly drummed into the public by government and media.

Since World War Two, an indisputably necessary conflict, Velvel points out the U.S. has fought the Korean War, the Viet Nam War, secret wars in Laos and Cambodia, the First Gulf War, Afghanistan, and the Second Gulf War in Iraq. It has also invaded, bombed or “quarantined” Panama, Grenada, Cuba, Haiti, Somalia, the Sudan, Bosnia, Kosovo, Serbia and Libya, and has “declared” a global war on terrorists.

“If the United States were a man instead of a country, we would say he must be schizophrenic, or at minimum deeply mentally disturbed, to believe he is peace loving in the face of a record like this,” Velvel writes in “The Long Term View,” a journal of informed opinion published by his law school.

Velvel further notes the U.S. today spends more on military than perhaps all the rest of the world put together and definitely more than the next 21 highest-spending nations combined, including China, Russia, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and Israel.

Not only do Americans always appear to be at war but they believe they fight only in good causes, he writes. “We believe we at all times fight only to do God’s work, and that we therefore have to fight or democracy, freedom, and economic affluence will be lost,” Velvel writes. He says truth cannot be permitted to intrude “because it would destroy our self image.”

“Certainly much of the rest of the world—probably most of the rest of the world—does not see us as peaceloving.” Gulf War II, Velvel notes, is having the opposite impact on public opinion the U.S. intended. “It has caused Muslims—the Arab ‘street,’ in particular—to hate our guts even more than they already did.”

Among the reasons USA fights so often, Velvel writes, are economic imperialism, a desire to remain preeminent, the glorification of war by the media, hubris, the stupidity of the nation’s leaders and the failure to prosecute them for their war crimes, and the inability to learn from past errors.

Writing of economic imperialism, Velvel reminds that in 1898 Americans realized the nation’s capacity to produce had outrun the domestic market’s capacity to consume and that a vibrant economy required overseas markets and coaling stations for the Navy warships that would protect overseas trade. “Nothing has really changed, except that today we call it globalization and defend it as bringing wealth to all when in fact it has worsened the dire poverty of many.”

Gulf War I, he writes, “was fought for oil, not to stop tyranny despite President Bush 1’s lying efforts to portray it as a fight for freedom in Kuwait—which is at best an autocracy.”

Velvel judges that many, if not most, Americans “are loathe to admit that we are an imperialist power, but it inarguably has been true since 1898. (Year of the Spanish-American War.)”

He goes on to warn that, “It is only we, not any enemy, who are going to end up crippling our own country through constant warfare if we do not get off the warmongering kick we have been on for at least 100 years.” Velvel quotes President Lincoln’s words on the subject that, “If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.”

Author Velvel says the idea that the U.S. favors war too much and engages in military action too much does not mean that he is a pacifist. “It (this article) is based not on a view that we must never kill anyone, but rather on the view that we too often choose to kill people—far too many people—and that we do so for insufficient reasons, with far too few good results and, too often, very bad results.”

The Massachusetts School of Law at Andover is a non-profit law school purposefully dedicated to the education of students from minority, immigrant, and low-income households who would otherwise not have the opportunity to obtain a legal education.
Sherwood Ross, media consultant to Massachusetts School of Law at Andover, formerly reported for the Chicago Daily News and wire services. Reach him at Sherwoodross10@gmail.com “


 Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him?  (Rev. 13:4). This beast that is spoken of in the prophecy of the first book of the Bible called Revelations and has and still is being much misunderstood by my people. But one thing is certain, the name (beast) is believed by most all readers of the Book to refer to a person or persons, which is right. But who is the person or persons? (Note: There is mentioned in the same chapter and verse a dragon which gave power to the beast. Who can this dragon be? Is he also a person? Then how are the two related?)

 The eighteenth verse of the same chapter reads: Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man. Here we are told that the number of the beast referred to here is a man or people. Now the only way of knowing just what man or people is to watch and see what man or people’s doings or works compare with the doings and works of the symbolic beast of the Revelation.

 This name beast,  when given to a person, refers to that person’s characteristics, not to an actual beast. Study the history of how America treats the freedom, justice and equality which is supposed to be given to all citizens of America (of course, the Negroes are not citizens of America). A citizen cannot and will not allow his people and government to treat him in such way as America treats her so-called Negroes.

 To call a person a beast is simply to say, according to the English language: Nouns — violent person, berserk or berserker, demon, fiend, shaitan or sheitan or Satan, or dragon, evil spirit, Satanas, devil, diable, Iblis, azazel, abaddon, apollyon, the prince of the devils, the prince of darkness, the prince of this world, the prince of the power of air, the wicked one, the evil one, the archenemy, the archfied, the devil incarnate, the father of lies, the author and father of evil, the serpent, the common enemy, the angel of the bottomless pit. Adjectives — satanic, devilish, diabolic (al), hell-born, demoniac, savage, brute, fierce, vicious, wild, untamed, tameless, ungentle, barbarous, unmitigated, unsoftened, ungovernable, uncontrollable (obstinate), brute force, forcibly, by main, with might and main, by force of arms, at the point of the sword or bayonet (the devil nd Satan). The above in the explanation of beast when applied to human beings or people in general, according to Roget’s International Thesaurus. The so-called American Negroes have and still suffer under such brutish treatment from the American Christian white race, who call themselves followers of Jesus and his God.

 The Revelator could not have better described the white race’s way of dealing with the black nation. They (white race) are the people described as beast in the Revelation of the Bible. Study them and their history and dealings with people and you will without hesitation agree with me 100 per cent that these are the people meant by the Revelator who foresaw their future and end and wrote it while he and his followers were in exile from the Holy Land 6,600 years ago on the Island of Pelan in the Aegean Sea, where he grafted the present white race.

 The revelation is claimed by the Christians to have been grafted to a Saint John Divine who was a follower of Jesus, but this is erroneous and wrong. It is by the father of the white race (Mr. Yakub or Jacob). The people other than the beast are mentioned as worshipers of the beast: And they (the people of the darker nation) worshiped the dragon which gave power unto the beast.  The power given by the dragon to the beast refers to a higher wisdom and knowledge of the time and wise preparedness. The chief head and spiritual guidance of the white race is the Pope of Rome.



Who is able to make war with him? (Rev. 13:4)

dreadful and terrible (Dan. 7:7)

 God and His Prophets could not have given the white race a better name (serpent) according to the characteristics of that race. The serpent of Genesis 3:1 was none other than the devil (white race). He deceived Adam and his wife, causing them to disobey Allah (God), which was the plan of the serpent (devil), according to the history of the devils. Their greatest desire is to make the righteous disobey the law of righteousness.

 They are referred to by this name serpent in the Holy Qur-an (37:65) translated by Maulvi Muhammad Ali: To a tree that grows in the bottom of hell, its produce is as the heads of serpents which the disbelievers shall eat from. In his footnote (2112), he says:  That the Arabs apply the name Shaitan to a sort of serpent have a man, ugly or foul in the head and face. In Mr. Abdullah Usuf Ali’s translation of the Holy Qur-an in English, in the same chapter and verse (37:65), it reads: The shoots of its fruit stalks are like the heads of devils.

 The Bible’s forbidden tree (Gen. 2:17) was a tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This also tells us that the tree was person, for trees know nothing! This tree of knowledge was forbidden to Adam and Eve. The only one whom this tree could be is the devil. After deceiving Adam and his wife, he has been called a serpent due to his keen knowledge of tricks and his acts of shrewdness; he made his acquaintance with Adam and his wife in the absence of God. Since this is the nature of a liar, he can best lie to the people when truth is absent.

 We know that there was never a time when an actual serpent (or snake) could talk and deceive people in the knowledge of God’s law. This same serpent is mentioned in Revelation 12:9 as a deceiver. There (12:9) it is made clear to us that the serpent is The dragon, devil and satan which deceiveth the whole world.  In Gen. (3:1) he appeared in the Garden of Paradise before the woman and deceived her (Rev. 12:4). He stood before the woman who was ready to be delivered to devour her child as soon as it is born.

 The serpent, the devil, dragon, satan, seems to have been seeking the weaker part of man (the woman) to bring to naught the man — the Divine Man. It is his first and last trick to deceive the people of God through the woman or with the woman. He is using his woman to tempt the black man by parading her half-nude before his eyes and with public love-making, indecent kissing and dancing over radio and television screens and throughout their public papers and magazines. He is flooding the world with propaganda against God and His true religion, Islam. He stands before the so-called Negro woman to deceive her by feigning love and love-making with her, give the so-called Negro woman preference over her husband or brother in hiring.

 In some cities, the Negro woman receives as much higher salary than the so-called Negro man. The devil takes the so-called Negro woman and puts his hands and arms around her body. She may be married or single, it makes no difference. Whenever he can he is making eyes at her. This is an outright destruction of the moral principles of the black man.

 In some cities, we convert five to one woman. The so-called Negroes should unite and put a stop to the destruction of their women by the serpent. The woman in (Rev. 12:4) actually refers to the last Apostle of God, and her child refers to his followers, or the entire Negro race as they are called, who are not ready to be delivered (go to their own).


 According to the word of Allah (God) and the history of the world, since the grafting of the Caucasian race 6,000 years ago, they have caused more bloodshed than any people known to the black nation. Born murderers, their very nature is to murder. The Bible and Holy Qur-an Sharrieff are full of teachings of this bloody race of devils. They shed the life blood of all life, even their own, and are scientists at deceiving the black people.

 They deceived the very people of Paradise (Bible, Gen. 3:13). They killed their own brother (Gen. 4:8). The innocent earth’s blood (Gen. 4:10) revealed it to its Maker (thy brother’s blood cryeth unto me from the ground). The very earth, the soil of America, soaked with the innocent blood of the so-called Negroes shed by this race of devils, now crieth out to its Maker for her burden of carrying the innocent blood of the righteous slain upon her. Let us take a look at the devil’s creation from the teaching of the Holy Qur-an.

 And when your Lord said to the angels, I am going to place in the earth one who shall rule, the angels said: What will Thou place in it such as shall make mischief in it and shed blood, we celebrate Thy praise and extol Thy holiness (Holy Qur-an Sharrieff 2:30).

 This devil race has and still is doing just that — making mischief and shedding blood of the black nation whom they were grafted from. Your Lord said to the angels, “Surely I am going to create a mortal of the essence of black mud fashioned in shape” (Holy Qur-an Sharrieff, 15:28).

 The essence of black mud (the black nation) mentioned is only symbolic, which actually means the sperm of the black nation, and they refused to recognize the black nation as their equal though they were made from and by a black scientist (named Yakub). They can never see their way in submitting to Allah and the religion Islam and His prophets.

 The slave-masters’ every cry is to beat- beat- kill- kill- the so-called Negroes.  Maybe the day has arrived that Allah will return to the devils — that which they have been so anxious to pour on the poor innocent so-called Negroes. Allah will give you your own blood to drink like water and your arms and allies will not help you against him (Rev. 16:6).

 The heads and bodies of the so-called Negroes are used to test the clubs and guns of the devils, and yet the poor, foolish, so-called Negroes admire the devils regardless to how they are treated.

America is now under Divine Plagues. One will come after the other until she is destroyed. Allah has said it. “

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