ALERT: No Gold Or Silver Available In Size In London Or Zurich Switzerland

ALERT: No Gold Or Silver Available In Size In London Or Zurich Switzerland

Reports out of London and Zurich indicate that there is no physical gold or silver available in size in either London or Zurich, Switzerland. The only question remaining, is the Bank of England leasing gold in a desperate attempt to keep the price in check?

KWN will be releasing an audio interview with legend Pierre Lassonde soon, but in the meantime we will be releasing another audio interview later today discussing the shortage of available physical gold and silver in London and Zurich with Alasdair Macleod.

(King World News) – Alasdair Macleod out of London:  As our headline chart illustrates, gold and silver appear to be going their separate ways, with gold drifting lower while silver gradually ticks higher.

This week, gold fell $51 from last Friday’s close to trade at $1772 in European morning trade today, while over the same time zone silver drifted 20 cents lower to $27.07.

The fall in the gold price since early January contrasts with all other inflation indicators, except the increasingly meaningless CPI. The table below shows how cryptocurrencies, commodities and equities have performed since 23 March, when the Fed’s accelerated QE was introduced.……more here

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