SpaceWar: America frantically moves to counter God in space

Space War: America frantically moves to counter God in space

Is America arming the sky and space around the earth to battle Russia and or China? In a way yes, but not really. America understands prophecy.

She knows that the prophets said that God was after her. She was and is number one on His hit list for total destruction. Think over it. To be on God’s hit list for destruction is dreadful because there is no winning or overcoming having an enemy like the Lord of The Worlds.

They know that war is in the very near future and God is going to destroy her. So they put things out in the public about nations arming space to keep their own people in the dark as to what is actually going on.

We are in a time of War!!! The top politicians, scientists, military officials ,and war planners realize these things. America is in trouble unlike anything that she’s ever experienced.

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