You know that this is the end of the Empire when nations mock your threats then dare you to do anything

You know that this is the end of the Empire when nations mock your threats then dare you to do anything

What is going on? Nations no longer seem to be fearful of America like they once were. From small to large nations, they are bucking the dictates of the American Empire. They are standing up to her intransigence.

There was a time no too long ago in the past where this would have been a non-starter for fear of imperial retribution and war. Now it seems as though they are taking America’s threats with a grain of salt.

She is being minimized on the global scene. And this she is not taking too well. To wake up and realize that you no longer hold the position, the sway, and instill the fear you once held and were able to instill has the empire frustrated and panicking.

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