The Empire Is Moving Closer To War….

The Empire Is Moving Closer To War….

Knowing that time is against her she is now in panic mode churning out weapons for her coming showdown. Nothing that she does will in anyway help her or stave off her judgment and demise. It is a foregone conclusion. She must be destroyed.

Her leaders and politicians know this, but she is trying to put on a confident face in the midst of all of her troubles as now to alert and alarm her people as to the reality of the time.

We who are awake to the reality of the judgment and what must take place here in this time understand that….”America’s burden in trying to protect herself from the attacking nations of the world is tremendous, one that she will not be able to carry. Therefore, she must succumb to the powerful forces that are coming against her. The fall of a nation makes way for another.” –pg.18(tfoa)

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