The American Republic is beginning to feel the sorrows of Empire – Dissatisfaction has exploded as the rich continues to fleece the poor.

The American Republic is beginning to feel the sorrows of Empire – Dissatisfaction has exploded as the rich continues to fleece the poor.

The cracks in the dam of Empire are growing more deeper than just being stress fractures. This is going to the very root and foundation of the republic. We now see water dripping through all of the cracks, be they foreign or domestically.

America is just beginning to suffer from the sorrows of reign as the laws of cause and effect blow back hard on the people. You have a runaway government that is out of control. You have a discontent populace that seethes with anger and disillusionment.

These are all of the ingredients for a war at home. Abroad America is faced with rejection, international isolation, war and more war with debt piling up as far as the edge of our galaxy is.

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