Breaking The Empire: The Debt Noose Is Tightening

Breaking The Empire: The Debt Noose Is Tightening

This is the price of empire. The empire has to spend more money than it takes in. Think about it. Any logical assessment of the situation of America’s so-called war on terror is an absolute and total failure.

Do you think that you would get any financial backers if you presented to them a business scenario such as the US’s layout of her war on terror? If you presented to your investors this same scenario that they would have to lose thousands of lives, cause untold destruction, be the cause of unheard of misery, be an occupational force in dozens of lands, use the threat of war and color revolutions, become the most despised nation or company on earth, and on top of all that over extend your resources to try to force others into your investment scheme, while spending trillions on your public budget ,and trillions off budget …with nothing but trillions in spending for the foreseeable future, while seeing none of the profits and benefits promised before your endeavor, do you believe that you would have any support or financial investors?

Absolutely not, but this is the same scenario that the American Empire now finds herself in. And this is the same scenario that all of her colonial backers of Europe and NATO now find themselves in. They were riding high on hubris.

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