Caught in the Middle Eastern/ North African(MENA) snare, the Empire quietly reloads & redeploys for a final push to recolonize

Caught in the Middle Eastern/ North African(MENA) snare, the Empire quietly reloads & redeploys for a final push to recolonize

The empire is losing her footing globally. She knows that if this continues, and it will, then the limits of American power and might would be exposed. There would be a great exit by nations still fearing the wrath of America, to shake off the shackles of Western oppression.

This is a non-starter for America and the West. They know that to keep this imperial experiment afloat, that is…America and Europe’s economies and their military and political influence, they need Africa…the Middle East…”MENA”.

Without this unlimited pools of natural resources and minerals, free labor and brainpower the Western world cannot continue. Because their world order is vampire like, they need the life blood of others to sustain themselves. Without such they would wither up and die.

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